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Re: vibrators?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 14:10
by Mac
I've not tested out anesthetic creams before, though the idea sounds like a good bit of enjoyable trouble. Tobbe, Kelly - either of you have a brand recommendation?

- Mac

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 15:56
by Kellymac3
@ Gotsteel, I am 'between belts' at the moment. My Keyholder did not like the last one belt because he felt it was uncomfortable against his skin in bed.
So I am adjusting and modifying my new belt at present. The reason I say that is because the belt is not a perfect fit yet and also why I feel I can try and manipulate it for the sake of research!

My new belt has a secondary shield with wire attached. It had a padlock at the front of the secondary shield but the padlock could never be used as the whole belt, except the waistband, will become undone if I open that padlock.
For that reason, I removed the padlock and placed a screw and metal washer there. So the secondary shield is lifted away from the main belt at the back but the front portion of the shield is still almost touching the belt at the front ie if I push the shield, it moves slightly. That slight movement against my clit was enough for me.

Our clever resident expert Tobbe, figured that out!

Yes I will try to alter it over the next few days so that there is no movement there and then I will replace the screw with a permanent rivet. And I will report back. As I said earlier, I am modifying and testing my belt now so it's secure as it can be before I hand the keys over. I hope my Keyholder will be satisfied with my work.....

Also as I typed previously, all Ladies orgasm differently. Some very quickly, others take longer and more stimulation. So as long as you know your female, you can control her ;-)

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 15:57
by Kellymac3
@ Mac, welcome to Belted girls!!

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 16:01
by Kellymac3
My Key holder and I have tried Hush, you can buy it on Amazon. Actually it's more a gel than liquid but its liquid enough to get it where you want it!

Also 5% lidocaine. That's the strongest anesthetic you can buy non prescription in the US.

If you really want to numb your lady, also squirt some into the entrance of her vagina and then use a vibrator etc to push it all the way in so you numb the G spot too.
It takes a while to take effect, even up to an hour. You have to be patient.

And, LOL, maybe wear a condon otherwise you'll get some of the effects too.

Enjoy ;-)

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 18:15
by gotsteel
Kellymac3 wrote: So the secondary shield is lifted away from the main belt at the back but the front portion of the shield is still almost touching the belt at the front ie if I push the shield, it moves slightly. That slight movement against my clit was enough for me.
Ah yeah if you can get the secondary shield to touch your clit, makes sense that you'd be vibration susceptable.

Good luck on your modification.

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 22:08
by Kellymac3
Not sure the shield touched my clit, I don't think that's possible. The slit in my new belt is very thin.
It was just the sensation of movement that did it.
But I can orgasm without touching myself anyway so maybe for me, it's a mute point......

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 23:08
by Tobbe
It's not always easy to prevent orgasm with a chastity belt.
Woman like you, achieve orgasm without even touching - Then chastity belt hardly helps.
However, it protect most of the time against penetration.

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 03:27
by gotsteel
Hmm... Kellymac is your belt a mysteel?

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 13:23
by fitherin
would be interesting to compare which belts allow the most stimulation? A comparison with the only Ladies Latowski belt as reffered to in chastity babes site would be interesting due to its unique front shield. Anyone know if it is silicone lined as per male version as the liner might act as a shock absorber!?
S :(

Re: vibrators?

Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 13:59
by Kellymac3

No, I wish it were Mysteel !
It is a Chinese belt with a wire, as on the Spicesforlove website. It is my second Chinese belt and this one is so much better made than the previous one. It has a study locking mechanism and is ergonomic. But the metal is still thin hence vibrations can get through?

I am pleased to be working my way through all these cheaper belts though cos it's allowing me to fully understand what I really want when I eventually order my Mysteel. I feel I am becoming a more informed consumer.

I only cheated for the sake of research. And as I am not fully in my belt yet, there is still some drilling, riveting and gluing to be done, I do not feel I cheated my husband.
When I write and sign my contract to him and hand over the keys, I promise there will be no more orgasming!