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the News is Flat Tire

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 15:18
by John R Starvele
The news is going to continue to be like a flat tire. Most news people are deflated this morning and they sure sounds like a flat tire. Trump trump trump t-r-u-m-p!

It is time to reinstate the Un-American activities investigations and prosecutions. Socialism is treason to founding principles of the United States of America; as such all Socialist should be rounded up, all there belongings ceased and redistributed to people that can make better use of them in keeping with their beliefs. Their citizenships revoked and then they should be deported to a Socialist paradise country like Venezuela.

Politicians that run as a Socialist should have a public execution on the steps of their respective legislature as a traitor that they are and as instructional demonstration to public.

It is time to make America Great Again and stand for what the Country founder intended!

Re: the News is Flat Tire

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 20:24
by Robert Pinkerton
Although I gave my vote to Mr. Trump, I nevr rgarded it as anything other than a stab-in-the-dark guess. On the other hand, having followed the Clintons since Mr. Clinton took power in 1993, I believe that Mrs. Clinton would have ben nothing other than poison from beginning through middle to the end inclusive with invariant consistency.

Mr. Trump talked right on immigration, on guns, on American withdrawal from empire. Talk is cheap; only by action is the real world changed.