The Companion

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Re: The Companion

Post by msknight »

OK ... to bring everyone up to date with the chaos that is going on here, which is in addition to my regular, nine to five job ... here is my latest journal entry on FetLIfe...

"The Newswire..."

I've always wondered what newscasters wear beneath the desk. Are they sat there, cocking a snook at the viewers, in bermuda boxer shorts?

Am I the only one that ponders this shit?

Anyway ... the news on what's happening around here....

Book two will be out shortly. In case you're wondering, I'll spoil a little for you ... IT'S A STORY!!! ... the whole series is aimed at vanillas and spreading a little truth, so if you're expecting some hot BDSM action, forget it. I think there's actually more vanilla sex than kinky sex in the new book. We've just got to sort out a cover, which will probably be this weekend, and I expect it to be released digitally some time next week; physical release a few weeks after that.

The delay is down to someone selling books that they don't have the rights to, and that's causing a bit of a headache; instead of dealing with getting new books out the door for people's pleasure, the lawyers have been unleashed. Nothing to do with my works, fortunately, but there you have it; some people are just intent on causing grief.

...and book 3 will be more of the same, so put your tongue back in, and ... you ... yes you at the back there ... stop with the jiggy, jiggy motion, you're disturbing everyone! ... Thank you!

A small number of outings are planned for the red suit; unfortunately life has overtaken my chaperon and this has put a few spanners in the works. ... OK ... I'll admit it ... the tool box has been thrown across the workshop ... but we're working on it. It'll take a few months to mop up the oil spill.

The photographer that took the January set has been busy as well, but promises some new photos shortly. How long is, "shortly," I haven't got a clue. They come, when they come ... and I guess that when that happens, you can cum ... (sorry, that's my dirty mind making assumptions about my audience...)

The storm that is Fifty Shades of Meh, is apparently raging around me. I haven't read the books and have no intention of watching the film. However, it seems to me like the very small number of protesters are in danger of talking to the legislators and further screwing up our censorship laws.

Now that ATVOD have got a foothold in the on-line censorship game, they have reportedly upped their fees. That's really put the cat among the pigeons and further proof that we've got some real power-hungry numbskulls in charge of our censorship. Presumably they need the money to fund the court cases they're going to lose in the near future ... but hey ho, I've written to my MP and told him that the BBFC, etc. are not fit for purpose; and included examples of where they haven't followed their own guidance and even broken the law! We'll see what comes of that.

The one and only Scorpionic has agreed to help me get in to training for the fifty strokes that I'll be taking in early March, in aid of protesting the latest censorship laws ... and as you know, CP isn't my bag so I'm really going to be suffering for this. I'm not a pain slut, so taking these strokes is going to be hard work.

The chastity belt situation continues. I really hope to have everything sorted out by the end of March, so that I can continue with the next phase, which is testing things out. So stay tuned.

There's other skulduggery afoot here but that's it for now (colour ... damn it, this spell checker is apparently American. -sigh-) See you further down the fun slide, people! Stay kinky!
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Re: The Companion

Post by msknight »

Where to start.

Well, book 3 in the BDSM series is out being, "checked," by friends. I'm also half way through a funny Sci-Fi. For some reason, people seem to like what I write.

I did have other CB plans, but I've blown my savings on helping a guy. The process has been a learning curve for me in how inhumane we humans can actually be, and that there are religious people who supposedly preach tolerance and compassion, but who can be judgemental and just as heartless as the devil (not that I believe a devil exists, or a deity, but evil is nevertheless a human thing that has to exist, or else there would be no yardstick by which to define good.)

Despite all that happened, when help came, it was from the unexpected corners. And I think this all proved my point; it is not a case that men are vicious towards women, or women are vicious towards men ... people are vicious towards people ... and actually, society and the law are being bent by people using stereotypes to further their own agendas ... and their agendas are to deliberately skew society towards their favour. When I read of cases where women were caught deliberately slapping themselves around in order to call the police on their husbands ... well, my jaw hit the floor. That Japanese society is now so heavily skewed towards the wife that serious numbers of men are now not getting married, skewing the job market and wrecking the birth rate ... and that America is now following with the MGTOW movement, and more, and that politicians in the UK are starting to also follow the same rhetoric that landed the US in this situation... well ... I'm just glad I haven't got kids. I wouldn't want to consign them to a life in this crazy world.

I, "guess," you could call it democracy.

How a disabled man came to be in a situation with no ID, no cash, no bank account, no phone and no income ... it is a lot of detail but with 20:20 hindsight, it all made perfect sense. Anyway, he now has ID, enough cash for a taxi down town, (don't ask how we pulled that one off without having a bank account to get funds in to) his belongings are safe in storage and he has a phone and a very basic laptop so he can stay in touch and get things done. He now has a shot at disability and getting an income.

I can take a breather now, only because he has lost internet. He is out of easy touch. However, all the ducks are lined up and tomorrow starts a new chapter of his life ... where the stars are the roof over his head ... but hopefully not for long.

The united states postal service, might accurately be described as gone, "postal," because it certainly isn't a, "service," in my humble opinion.

My savings are crippled, but if he walks again, it will have been worthwhile being his crutch. Time will now guide his fate.

When I've emotionally recovered from the wrecking ball that I've exposed myself to ... I'll kick off the fiction story again ... but it will be a while.
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Re: The Companion

Post by fitherin »

Thank goodness there are people like you in the world :o who will take on board tough challenges :D and help other human beings in time of need!
I hope that you win every time :P
Take a breather and on wards and upwards 8-)
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Re: The Companion

Post by msknight »

We're coming up towards the end of March. [edit - MAY - brain is so fucked I can't even tell what bloody month it is.]

Cincinati guy ... we made it with documentation, picture ID and stuff. I got him a phone and a cheap netbooky type of thing, so he is in touch with the world. He's using that to document his experiences on the internet; in fact there's a whole MGTOW thing going on - society is fubar - ... zs26TiAlPg - and actually, given what he has been put through, he has been a lot less bitter than many other men who have recorded being put through the same.

At the moment, their, "Jobs and Family Services" have yet to make a decision on granting him disability, but he is in a shelter of last resort. Actually, it's staffed by people who are passionate about the individual, being made from others who have gone through similar, as I think he details in one of the videos ... so I can stand down ... he's in the best place possible. The last resort shelter actually seems better than many of the others that have religious and other agendas.

I can't totally relax, as we've talked via skype for years; my voice is one of the mental anchors for him. However, with me going through my own minor crises, it ain't easy. If I ever sell enough books, then I'm on a plane to Cinci and I'm gonna prop up a bar with him somewhere.

Yesterday, friends came down from Yorkshire. They've actually gone over to Belgium for a few days and brought their computers for me to fix while they are in parts foreign :-) . Me being me, one of the major issues was sorted out last night, leaving me with only one of three machines left to fix! They're scene friends so once they learned of my decision to leave BDSM behind me, they immediately offered to give me the practice I need ... but even they had to admit that the distance is too great. If I had still been in Sheffield; which was where I was when I met them some twenty plus years ago, it would be a different proposition ... but not now.

I'm sat here, drinking a rum and coke, with a slice of frozen lemon. Hey, it does the taste and chill thing at the same time, so what's not to like?!

The third book in the Submissive Heart series is near completion. Last weekend I actually needed a hard-reset ... heavy bondage so that my mind could get a rest ... obviously, it didn't happen that way, but today my body knocked me out for a couple of hours mid-day. Mum reported me snoring my head off, despite having a good nights sleep last night. I fear there are more times like that ahead, as when my body reaches tipping point, my mind ceases to function and I just mentally shut down. It is damn scary, and bondage lets me be in control of my shut-down process ... whereas without it, then my brain will just shut me down when it feels like it; and not being in control of that is freaky, but without bondage now, this is what my life is going to be. You know ... not many people can understand that.

It is the start of a bank holiday in the UK, which means three days in a row of not much, so I'm hoping that I will be able to concentrate enough to finish book 3 in the series. I'm confident that I'll have the last machine finished by the time my friends return from Belgium ... but who knows. My mind is just fucked right now. I'm on the edge and near mental collapse. But ... I'll just keep on going ... like I always do.
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Re: The Companion

Post by msknight »

So ...

Things here are in a holding pattern. Life has been increasingly busy. More books have been finished, and my day job has increased the pressure on me.

Belt-wise, I am still waiting for the FI belt and also for contact from another agency ... but I am being patient.

Many things to do, and not enoungh time.
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Re: The Companion

Post by msknight »

Right ... time for a progress report.

The books are starting to slowly gain traction. There is actually one new novel published every minute; so small wonder why new novelists publish a book and then sink without trace. I've now let loose four novels; three in the BDSM story and one Sci-Fi comedy - (yes, two books will be winging their way to a certain person, as usual, in a week or two) ... and a few people are slowly starting to take notice. So who knows. All this has been done in ten months, on top of the day job and the long commute.

Cincinnati guy is still going through the mill. There is a lot of politics in the adult support services; a mix of people, some apathetic and some absolute warriors, are coliding; fortunately my friend is now under the wing of one of those warriors and we hope he should have a door to call his own in another couple of weeks. All his documentation is in order but various applications for disability, etc. are still processing through. There is some really serious real estate investment going in to one area of Cincinnati and this is having its own effect. Some things good, some things bad. Obviously, I'm still supporting him emotionally and financially from here.

As I've emotionally disengaged from the BDSM scene, faced an increase in work load and spent a good chunk of my free time writing; this has resulted in putting on a little weight. The problem is that there is very little now, in my life, to energise me in to getting it back off again. The BDSM on-line communities are geared in a way that doesn't assist publicity of new coming members; also the physical meetings around me are either difficult to get to, thanks to parking, are too far away, or already suffer lack-of-Dom syndrome.

There are also no operating professional Masters that I can track down. Dominatrix's, yes; including some that trained in well respected houses in Australia ... but no Masters. Not that I could actually afford one now, but if you have an idea of prices then at least it is possible to examine the budget ... after all, my sanity is worth quite a bit to me.

Will I return to the chastity fiction I was writing? I don't know. At the moment, there is very little for me to be enthused about; that's about all I can really say. There is only one more book to write to complete the BDSM story, and then my other writings will transfer to more vanilla books; I have mysteries, fantasies and even one horror in the pipe line. You can read more about those here - - but I am just depressed with the way the scene has gone, I guess.
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Re: The Companion

Post by molly »

msknight wrote:The BDSM on-line communities are geared in a way that doesn't assist publicity of new coming members; also the physical meetings around me are either difficult to get to, thanks to parking, are too far away, or already suffer lack-of-Dom syndrome.
I left in '12 but I found numerous play groups, social groups, and "munches" through there. Occasionally there were good discussions there too and I'd contact posters who wrote cool stuff. Just a thought MsKnight.
msknight wrote:There are also no operating professional Masters that I can track down.
I've never met a professional Master but I'm sure they exist. I think it's lopsided because in the scene there's always been an abundance of single men looking to get their kinky rocks off.
msknight wrote:At the moment, there is very little for me to be enthused about
Virtual hug then.
msknight wrote:but I am just depressed with the way the scene has gone, I guess.
I left too for the most part. Some things changed several years ago and it just didn't work for me anymore.
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