Sitings of the Nosealot

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John R Starvele
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Sitings of the Nosealot

Post by John R Starvele »

Happy New Year all here's something I wrote after my neighbor said he spent the day working with a nosealot. I hope you enjoy.

The Nosealot

Genius: Homo - Species: Dimwittacus.

Appearance: It adorns it furless head with a cap sponsoring a sports activity or a business. It has brown nose from poking its nose in many things. It has a prominent red neck which it displays by sticking it out. It has a large subcutaneous lipid (fat) deposit around its belly from the consumption of beer its favorite drink -Beer is a fermentation of hops.

Habitat: it is indigenous species throughout rural North America. It is found in numbers around beer watering holes, and disrupting local government activities.

Behavior: In gatherings it makes frequent calls -I nosealot- to dominate communication and draw attention to itself. Usually after its shriek –I nosealot- it proceeds to demonstrate it lack of command of situation and make a fool of itself.

Status: The EPA and Fish and Game would like to reduce the Nosealot -Homo Dimwittacus- to an endangered species and make it extinct as soon as possible: however, there are many Nosealot that inhabit both agency where they are protected and encouraged to multiply. Their continue existence seems to be assured.
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Re: Sitings of the Nosealot

Post by fitherin »

I think John that it is to late. The spawn of the nosealot is also wide spread here in Europe as well.The UK has huge areas where they ride around in battered old vans which of course are rarely legal and create noise and mayhem in equal measure! The local law enforcement agencies are powerless as the worst they can do to disrupt there partying is to impound the van and have it and anything in it crushed, Very rare to crush full beer cans as these are torn by force from the officers hands, whilst the tow truck is being pelted with stolen goods!

If any of our readers know of any safe habitats its ok to post here as nosealots dont bother with the written word as its not something they ever committed their ONE brain cell to learn instead keeping it for easy four letter words
One or two others are not printable :o

Happy 2016 where ever you are
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John R Starvele
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Re: Sitings of the Nosealot

Post by John R Starvele »

When I have internet access I usually check the web site once a day but I will admit I usually do not sign to take a peek.

So the Nosealot are not confined to rural North America I wonder where else we can find the obnoxious Nosealot.

Here is some Southwestern PC incorrect humor

Q: Why did San Ana have only 4,000 Mexican troops at the Alamo?

R: They only had 8 vans.

Fast food in Seligman AZ (pop 485 elev 5,285ft) the home of historical Route 66 is when you hit a jack rabbit at 75 mph.

Q: Why did San Ana bring ponies to the Alamo?

R: So his troops could have low riders.
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