Women and individual self-defense - Comments REQUESTED

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Robert Pinkerton
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Women and individual self-defense - Comments REQUESTED

Post by Robert Pinkerton »

http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/mark-t ... powerment/

http://monsterhunternation.com/2014/06/ ... t-to-rape/

My interest in the chastity belt implies that I am a possessive man; and, indeed, I take no shame in so affirming. However, just as every privilege implies countervailing responsibilities, as obverse of a coin implies reverse, in fine possessiveness of a living being implies responsibility of protectiveness over the being possessed, or it is counterfeit. Then comes the idiosyncracy that, as I am American and possibly all-too-American, I believe that the private person possesses Right to Arms; and that any State which abrogates this Right, whether outright or under color of an impenetrably convoluted dense thicket of regulation, does not deserve to survive. Furthermore, the beginning of protecting another person is teaching that other person to protect -- in this case -- herself. I have stated elsewhere in this site, my opinion that the ideal congratulation gift from Key-holder to a newly-fledged Steel Angel, is a girl's-hand-size five-shot snub-nose .357" Magnum revolver: It is the material seal of the implicit and unspoken pledge that her Key-holder shall not abuse her.

By way of an aside seemingly irrelevant, both John Harold Higginbottom and William A. Jones, the Grand Old Men of our community of interest, were cat-people. (And, on the contrary, it seems to me that just too much BDSM/fetish-interest fiction, implies that the protagonist is a dog-person and the as-if "victim" is the bitch to be beaten.) How many of us are cat-people? I ask this because giving someone who has just given control of a significant portuion of her life to you, giving this young Lady a firearm, stands equivalent to the cat-person's final refusal to let four-footed member of the family, be de-clawed. (Yes, of course I see the disparity of weight of the examples, but a better analogy had not occurred to me.) Too, any cat-person whose four-footed roommate needs must be all-and-only indoors, knows that he or she must serve the cat, although downward from above: Responsibilities which countervail the privilege of being Master or Mistress. I acknowledge that I am speculating here, but I submit that a cat-person sees authority, including authority in his or her hands, differently in general than does any person not a cat person and differently in particular than a dog-person sees authority.

Miss Nevada has the right of this issue, and her feminist detractors are in the wrong in too many ways to count.
Robert Pinkerton
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Re: Women and individual self-defense - Comments REQUESTED

Post by Robert Pinkerton »

At age seventy, I am solitary; my roommate is a little grey cat who has been with me twelve and a half years. If I own one cat, she owns one master.

In my life I have taught the handgun to three women: My ex-wife, my late second fiancee, and a young foreign student at one of the local colleges, who graced my flat during the '82-'83 academic year. I take a teacher's pride in how well each one of them shot. I also taught all three women the knee or kick to the testicles and the squeezing of the sac.
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Re: Women and individual self-defense - Comments REQUESTED

Post by Kellymac3 »

Should women be able to defend themselves?

Simple answer, yes.
It's a shame..... as humans we are supposed to be the most intelligent species on the planet. But history and current events always follow the same track. Unsuspecting women, attacked, beaten by a man.

BUT, If a female feels she needs a hand gun to be safe and uses it, she must also take the responsibility and expect the consequences of the Justice system.
Robert Pinkerton
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Re: Women and individual self-defense - Comments REQUESTED

Post by Robert Pinkerton »

Small steps in the right direction: http://rt.com/news/169088-india-rape-jeans-bra/
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Re: Women and individual self-defense - Comments REQUESTED

Post by reisprada »

Visit this site. This might help.
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