Siblings. Part 1

Your fictional female chastity stories
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Sex: Female

Siblings. Part 1

Post by Pat24 »

My parents passed away only two weeks ago, they left behind a huge amount of money and assets which we were to share amongst the four of us, two brothers and a sister. I was the oldest at twenty four, my sister twenty one, the two boys a little younger.

Sitting watching TV I happened to mention "I am bored, we need something to liven ourselves up a little"

It was that fatal morning when I awoke to find myself handcuffed to the bed "What the f-ck" I yelled.

My family stood around me, my sister Julia spoke.

"Dear Debbie, we have decided that the money from our parents should be split three ways you have been excluded, we have also decided not to throw you out onto the streets, but you are be our servant, you will cook, wash, clean and cator for our every whim. If you prefer not to go along with our plans we will imprison you in the dungeons below this huge mansion. If you decide that part one is better for you then we will be sending you to a boarding school where you will be taught how to serve, you will spend two years there and be assessed as you go along, if two years is not long enough then they will keep you longer. If your preference is part two you will be hauled off immediately to the cells where you will spend the rest of you life. We would all rather you were not placed in the cells but stay up here and serve us. We know life is not that interesting even though we have more money then sense, we aim to spice things up a little"

I was shocked and angry about all this I tugged at the cuffs "If I am forced to boarding school when will I be going?"

"In one hour, time to get washed, dressed, eat, then gone, there you will be cared for, taught how to be a maid/servant. You may now get up"

"I will go for the training" I said furiously.

My brothers left the room.

"If you try and escape your brothers are just outside the room, they will stop you running"

I was uncuffed, my sheets pulled back exposing my bra and skimpy knickers to my sister I struggled to cover my breasts as my sister stared at them and smiled she placed a night-gown over my shoulders and we left my bedroom and taken to the shower. Tom the oldest of the two said "No getting away you are to be trained and that is final"

Julia tugged at my knickers, I tried to fight her off but she grabbed my wrists and held them behind my back "Behave or your brothers will force you to behave!" I screamed, she slapped my face "Shut up"

I was stunned, my sister helped me into the shower, she washed me the other two waited outside

I was helped out of the shower and dried, my sister oiled my nipples and pussy, then one foot at a time placed a pair of her knickers on which were a very tight, on came a mini-skirt then a shirt that did not cover my waist as the ends were tied together around my belly button area , she combed my hair, led me to my breakfast, once finished coffee and cake we went to her car parked on the huge frontal lawns, off we went, mile after mile we drove then turned into someone's driveway.

Up to the large house we went, where there were five people to greet us, ushered inside and into a office.

The lady of the house was sat behind her large desk "The two boys must leave this room as we get acquainted neither of you are over twenty one"

They both left looking disappointed.

"You" She pointed at me "will come over to the right side of my desk and bend over it"

I did as told, red in the face due to embarrassment, she walked round to my left side and raised my skirt, my head dropped down, her hand slipped between my legs, that made me take a gulp of air, I really wanted to brush her aside and get out of here, she ran her right hand over my pussy area. "Just checking you are not a man"

She lifted my skirt over my back where it rested.

"So that you can all see how we deal with future slaves I will now demonstrate, this will be the beginning of her tuition at the end you will receive completely obedient slave without any arguments or misbehaviour from her" She went to her draw pulled out a flogger, came back over pulled my panties down to my knees exposing me to my sister, I groaned "Quiet!!" She twirled her whip and struck my butt, many, many times over, each hit stung my bottom, I had no wish to allow my sibling see me cry I held the tears back, this was so awfully humiliating, with upward swings my pussy took a flogging, tears welled in my eyes, I glanced round at my sister who had a huge grin on her face. She knelt to my left side "This is what you get for being such a bitch over the years, ordering us about, we did not like it, now it is your turn when you return if you return you will make a good slave, for now you will learn how to behave"

I sobbed whilst the floggings continued, when the lady thought it was enough she withdrew to a draw in her desk brought out a bottle of lubricant and a butt-plug.

"No!" I exclaimed.

She smiled went round my right side I held onto the table tight as she lubed up my bottom with cold oil, with a firm hand she eased the plug into my anal area which stretched an inch or so in all directions, she held it on my hole at the widest part for several minutes, my mouth wide open "You are such a slut, I can see a wet pussy, enjoying this aren't you" "No, no, no" I replied "Your pussy says otherwise, Julia come over here take a look at that moist pussy glistening in the light" I sobbed. One of them ran their hands over my buttocks, gave them both a massage, my bottom seem to raise up by itself as my back arched, the lady started to fuck my anal area with the plug, very slowly pushing it in then pulling it almost out and back in it went my mouth was wide open, I clung to the desk as if it was a life raft. Many, many times she repeated this, my pussy starting to throb, I was getting very turned on by all this attention to my lower regions. The lady finally pushed the plug all the way in and let it rest in place.

Julia please step forward rest the palm of your hand over her pussy once she is stood up, keep it there for twenty minutes, she will learn quickly who is in charge"

The lady helped me up, my skirt fell back into place, she lifted the edges of it and tucked it into the top of the skirt exposing my front to them again. A swipe on each inner leg and an order "Open your legs wider" I did as directed, Julia knelt before me and cupped my pussy. "She is very wet down here" She exclaimed they both laughed, I looked down at her she looked up, I shook my head "No" she smiled, "Who is in charge of this pussy now bitch? Want me to fuck it with a strapon?" I closed my eyes, I hated myself for enjoying her warm hand down there, and truly hated myself when my head rolled to one side has her little finger brushed my clit. She did her best to frustrate me for the full twenty minutes and succeeded, she knew more about this than I liked.

"That is enough for now, you will leave her with us, the next time you see her she will be very obedient" Julia got up, the lady came over and raised my knickers, I squeezed hard on the plug but that was not going anywhere. She lowered my skirt, gave me a slap on my upper right thigh just below my right butt cheek.

"That lovely butt of yours will get what is deserves, your tits and pussy will be punished hourly till you are what we feel is a perfect servant"

She opened the door in walked in two women, both taller and looked far stronger than I, each placed a hand on my shoulder I looked at my sister as they frogged marched me out passed by brothers who were both grinning, the door slamming behind us, I was forcibly led along a wide and well decorated corridor, with lots of expensive paintings, down several flights of steps I was stopped suddenly, I had not see a hole in the floor, they spun me around, stripped me of my clothing all except my knickers, they eased me down the hole my foot caught a ladder, I stepped down till I reached the ground beneath me feet. they both followed, now I was feeling a little chilly, along a narrow passage way we entered a large cave, only items in the room was a rope hanging from somewhere above it was to dimly lit to see what, a stool just below the rope, they placed me beneath the rope tied my hands together with it very tightly, I was helped onto the stool. One of the women disappeared then I felt my arms being tugged at as I was hoisted into the air, my toes no longer touched the stool once she was done the stool was kicked away. She returned with two floggers.

Each took up a flogger, one lady only seem to aim for my tits and upper back as I spun round, the other for my butt and tummy area, the floggings began. At first there were tears as I swung back and forth then round one way then the other, my legs kicking out as the floggers rained down on me, I screamed and screamed I was in so much pain, my tits took a right pounding, at times I wanted to pass out, when they noticed this the threw cold water over my head and continued.

One of them then held me in place whilst my bottom, lower back and upper thighs took a full hours beating, all I could try was to beg for mercy, but none given.

A spreader-bar was produced my ankles were spread, each with a flogger in their hands began to flog me pussy one from behind one up front, there was a point I did pass out, the pain was to much, more cold water poured on me till I woke up.

I am guessing I was beaten for around three hours, the lady from the office came in, she shone a torch over me, "She is beautifully red her butt could use some more" She prized apart my knickers shone the torch over my pussy "Lovely a dark red"

She handed each of them a wooden spoon "Twenty on her pussy, fifty on her butt, twenty on each tit make sure it hurts, make sure she knows who is running this show"

She left.

They both started with my tits, in turn each held my one breast in one hand and smacked my nipple hard with the spoon, more screaming from me, once the first girl had reached twenty five, the second girl took up her position my left tit was given a beating. I was swung around, in turn they smacked my butt with everything they had, my screaming must have been heard miles away, swung back round again, my knickers were pulled down, one held my plug in place the other showed my pussy no mercy, several times she caught my clit, they were harsh blows, my pussy now banged in pain, I know I fainted but that produced more freezing water, once done I was helped down sobbing in agony, knickers pulled up, bar taken off I was about to crumple to the floor they kept me standing, I was led to the showers.

They both took great care of me during my shower, a kindness they had not shown in the pass, I was tenderly dried off dabbed softly on my aching nipples and pussy, picked up off the ground placed over one of their shoulders taken off to a huge bedroom. I could see at least fifty beds in there, I was laid down on one of them and handcuffed to it.

"You may now rest, in a few hours your training begins"

The both left, I spent a while thinking over my change in circumstances before falling asleep.

I awoke to find a lot of girls laying in their beds, many crying, others looking worried.

The girl laying next to me asked "Are you new"

I whispered "Yes"

"You have a long way to go even if you are very obedient they continue training you in a harsh way, if you decide not to be trained they lock you up in a dark cell. Some girls have never been seen after they are locked away. Just to add, never let them catch you touching yourself between your legs, that will be the end for you. As for me I was kidnapped, I am being trained to become a sex-slave, I will be sold to the highest bidder"

"Oh my g-d"

"I know, having looked logically at me future I am to be abused in many ways, my future doesn't look bright"

A tear rolled down her cheeks, her right hand slipped over the front of the chastity-belt that I only just noticed she was wearing.

Moments later the two girls from earlier turned up both wearing leather bra and thongs, "Out of bed bitch!"

I got up thinking "No need for the insult"

"Stand to attention, arms behind your back, chest out, butt out, head straight, eyes looking down, legs a foot and a half apart"

I jumped to attention.

One of then held my chin, "Just because you are good looking does not mean you will be treated with leniency"

With that she withdrew a leather collar with metal rings attached and placed it round my neck, I gulped, she locked it in place after removing my long blonde hair that had got caught up. A leash hooked to the front ring, a padlock to lock the collar in place. The collar was so wide it forced my head to stay straight. Off we went, first to the bathroom where I was relieved of the plug, a quick wash and dry, nipples oiled, I stood whilst one of the girls sat on a low stool and combed my pubic hairs below my tummy, the other girl brushed my hair, we walked off briskly and up the ladder to the first ladies office.

One of the girls shouted "Attention!!" I jumped. The two girls left leaving me with the lady.

"You will call me Madam, when you get home you will be addressing your sister as Ma`am your brothers and Sir, total respect. You will learn to obey each and every order they give you no matter how abhorrent you may feel about the orders. No matter what you have been told, you will be a servant and a sex-slave. You will also learn that orgasm is no longer for you, you may not ever touch your pussy no one will care how horny you may get, for most of your life you will be wearing a chastity-belt. Whilst having sex your pussy will be sprayed with novocaine making your nerves go dead"

Tears rolled down my face.

"Cry as much as you like for the moment but within a months crying will be banned, you must show yourself to be a proud servant, if sex is forced you must show that you are happy to accept and thank them afterwards. For now you will have a boy to look after you, according to your records you are twenty four, the boy must be younger. She opened her draw in her desk pulled out a folder, we have a boy of twenty one and his assistant a girl of the same age. We had to hurry your brothers out as neither of them are over our minimum age limit. We have strict rules on this.

She made a phone call whilst I stood naked to attention, a short while later in came a young man and lady.

"Train her, sex-slave, servant, pony girl you have two years, no orgasm allowed, after one month no crying allowed, pussy training, anal and mouth trained"

With that I was led out the room back down the ladder taken to a private room.

"Attention!!!" Shouted the girl.

I jumped to attention, they were not happy that my legs were not far enough apart, so the boy slapped my inner-thigh to part them a little wider, he pressed on my back forcing me to arch it further than I liked or felt comfortable with. My arms he placed slightly higher behind my back well above my butt.

She sat on a stool in front of me and without a word she cupped my pussy. "One hour without movement. He went to a shelf somewhere in the background brought forward a camera, started taking pictures. "As your sister is paying for your tuition it is only right we keep her updated on your progress. With each set of photos I send I will write a short essay on what you have been up to. If you move whilst you are being cupped, we will both give your pussy a harsh spanking and start over again, the first lesson in making certain that you know your pussy and the feelings within it are not for your pleasure"

He continued taking pictures, I stayed very steady till she used one finger to run along my lips then pushed one between them touching my hole and a long brush against my clit, my eyes closed, I moaned out loud, I rang my hands together, when she stopped so did I, she repeated it, this time my hips started to gyrate and another moan, I could not take her gentle touch, on her third attempt my whole body shook and I had to step back to stop myself falling.

She stopped, he held my shoulders, she pulled out of her belt a one foot thin wooden paddle.

Her first swipe made me scream, I sobbed "It was not fair" her second swipe I screamed louder, over and over again my pussy took the stinging punishment, his camera was clicking away and when she was done I got another ten from him, the pain was so severe. It took them thirty minutes to calm me down and retake their place.

The warm hand on my pussy helped me to relax a little, my pussy throbbed from the punishment and the soothing it was currently receiving, I needed to orgasm badly. When she saw I was not going to move after half an hour in her finger started to move again, I bit my lip squeezed my fingers together, he mentioned to her that my nails were digging in to the palms of her hands, she looked up at me and grinned "Such a naughty girl trying to get away with being punished" I tried to ignore her and dug in further. Two of her fingers left my front and dipped into my lips. they searched till they found my clit, I shook my head from side to side, then looked down at her a huge smile on her face as she rolled by clit between her fingers, I let out a huge breath of air, he took pictures of my pussy being molested. She whispered to me "You cannot escape your punishment" Tears streamed down my face, she kissed my tummy several times, giving my clit soft squeezes at the same time.

"I know, I know you need orgasm, she got down placed her mouth round my pussy area and gave my clit a long slow lick, I gave a loud groan and stepped forwards no longer realising what I was doing.

She stopped out came the paddle "You had to hang for ten minutes but you can only think of yourself and your selfish needs"

Ten harsh swipes at my pussy made me scream when she was done his turn.

I was then fed and given something to drink before my training continued.

Her hand back in place, my pussy pounding she continued, we went through this eleven times before I came good, even rolling my clit on the eleventh occasion did not make me move, she was disappointed but not surprised.

She got up went over to a shelf produced a small dildo, she wiped it up and down my soaking pussy. He went to a computer which like much of the items in that room I had not seen, he switched it on we waited, out of his pocket he took his phone and called someone, turns out it was my sister. He put the phone on loudspeaker.

"Are you currently alone?"

"Yes" came the reply.

"We have your sister here at this moment her pussy is being trained"

"Thank you for your help"

"Do you have a cam so that you can see each other?"

"Certainly I will switch it on"

"Moments later I could see Julia on the monitor.

"We have spent twelve hours cupping her pussy and punishing it, she is learning that no matter what she may not move whilst we toy with her. As you well know her pussy soon will be only for other people's pleasure and not hers"

My sister grinned at me. "You did say you were bored, I bet we are entertaining you now!" The girl switched on a lamp so that my pussy could be seen clearly.

So far she has had her pussy cupped for almost ten hours, the rest of the time she ate and had her pussy severely punished for moving, she has finally managed one full hour with no movement. We now aim to do the same with a dildo. I will be sending pictures of her torment. We need at some point sleep, your sister only gets to rest once she has completed this task.

My colleague here will be continuing with her training for the next six hours, if you can stick around and watch for any movements from this slave we would be obliged. If she does move please let us know, this slave will be punished.

"With pleasure"

Julia winked at me "Your in so much trouble" I groaned.

The girl sat once again in front of me dildo in her hand, slipped it up and down my wet inner thighs, then poked the tip end between my lips, I looked over at my sister she had a huge smile on her face, the pressure on my pussy grew the dildo slowly entered me, my mouth opened as my hole was forced apart.

"Ooooo your not a virgin" My sister whispered "Pity that might have hurt more. Are you being fucked? Is this kind lady owning your pussy?
Did you know Tim is twenty one tomorrow so he too can watch then"

I shuddered.

"Well look at that, your pussy has the whole dildo inside, go on squeeze down on it"

Without meaning to I did squeeze down, that felt so good my feet shifted and my back arched.

"She moved, the slut moved!"

The girl let go of the dildo and slowly but surely it eased out, she caught it in her right hand.

Out came her paddle.

"How many will she get?"

Twenty of the best"

"Make it thirty I will pay you extra"

The girl nodded to Julia.

I sobbed, my sister could not stop laughing as she watched me take a beating I tried not to scream with my sister watching, but the pain was far to much. I yelled, shouted but the pain did not stop coming, the boy had got up and was now preventing me from falling.

When it was done the dildo was placed back inside me.

I came to terms with the dildo till Julia piped up again......

"Once you are fully trained, that dildo will be someone's dick, your brothers will be of age and they both want you, you can only imagine Tim or Tom on top of you"

That comment made me move again.

"She moved! She moved!

I was now so tired my pussy was killing me, I could hardly scream as the spoon smacked against my lower regions.

The third attempt was successful, even with Julius input I stayed strong.

"Well done!"

I tried to crack a smile at the girl but I just could not. I was led to the center of the room, hoisted up, I was given a one hour flogging, once done I was knelt in front of my sister my legs open so she could see my pussy and was handed a piece of paper "Read this to your sister"

I did so.

"Dear Ma`am, as that is what I must call you now "Ma`am to show respect to you" I cringed "Thank you for giving these good people permission to train me they are doing a fine job. I wish for you to watch me training whenever possible. When Ma`am allows me to come home not before two years I will be a fully trained servant and sex-slave without any further concerns about my sexual feelings.

My pussy is to be trained to a point that I would only orgasm with your permission, or putting it another way I must ask before I can cum, if I do not get it, then my body will just be used as you see fit. I promise I will never touch my pussy no matter what. My mouth will be trained to suck pussy and cock, and I will be learning to swallow. "I gulped" My bottom is found by many very pleasurable and I will willingly allow it to be used for others pleasure. I will cook for you all, I will clean plus show you all my total respect.

I am also to be trained as a pony-girl where a carriage will be hooked up to me and take you on trips around your grounds.

I will shortly have a new name Sex-slave141 this will be branded onto my lower back with heated iron, the name Debbie will no longer apply. "That was horrific news to me"

I will also be trained how to present myself to you and brothers, how to kneel and stand in front of you. I will be taught never to do anything without your express permission, my body and life in Ma`ams hands.

If Ma'am decides that I may not come home after the two years are up I will be sold off as a sex-slave to the highest bidder. Once turned forty years old I will be returned here and put to work in the caves below for the remainder of my life. In the caves I will be given food and drink, made to dig coal and whipped when my work is not deemed good enough.

I will be forced to wear a chastity-belt with a dildo attached for ever, only to be cleaned four times a week.

At anytime given permission to return home you can send me back here as an unwanted sex-slave where the above will apply, my body will be for you to decide on.

Thank you Ma'am for listening.

Yours sex-slave141"

Julias smiled "I like that, I will think over as to your future, watching you have lots and lots of forced sex will certainly make me smile, beating you when you make mistakes will be fun and showing you off to friends and family I will enjoy. Goodbye for now.

I sobbed at what I had just read out, but I was so turned on,I was helped up aching all over and taken to eat then bed.

I lay on my bed facing skywards, the girl came over with a chastity-belt, the top she placed under me, the dildo she eased into my pussy, that did feel good, she wrapped the front of the belt around my waist and locked it with three padlocks into place.

"We do not want you cumming do we. What you went through today you will be doing again tomorrow, till on the first try you get it right and if not tomorrow we will keep going for one week, if you still cannot manage this, it will be hard labour for you never to see daylight again. have a goodnight"

I worried about this not knowing if i could manage till I fell asleep.

The next morning, a good wash, a huge breakfast and back to work, my body still ached from yesterday but I felt better about my chances, not sure why.

The girl got to work on my pussy, rolling my clit between her fingers I shifted from one leg to the other, I dug my fingernails into my arms deep, on the second try I passed, the hour up I had not moved, I was so relieved.

"You will now thank us you will first lick me out till I orgasm, then you will suck the mans dick and swallow"

He bought in a folding bed, she lay on it.

"Kneel at the end of the bed, bury your head between my legs and make me cum"

I did as ordered, wrapping my arms around her muscular legs, I started to lick her out, she played with her breasts whilst I worked on her pussy, I used my fingers on the top areas of her pussy my tongue on the rest, when she did finally orgasm she obviously needed it she cum so hard. The moment she calmed down .....

Over to the man and thank him.

Pulling his trousers then pants down I noticed he was very ready, pre-cum dribbled out of his five maybe six inch dick, his bollocks fully blown up, when he orgasms I knew I was in for a mouthful, I knelt before him, wishing all this would go away, the only good thing about making him cum was I was not in pain for a while.

His dick long and hard between my fingers I wrapped my lips around it, in it went to the rear of my throat, I wrapped my cheeks around his dick began to suck, my tongue licking along his shaft, seems like it was OK for him to move but not me in a similar situation. He grabbed onto the ropes when my tongue caught the opening to pee hole, he pushed on me so hard his balls half entered my mouth, I sucked for all I was worth, and when he was ready I drew in a huge breath of air, he exploded shooting cum down my throat, my throat not being large enough it spilled into my mouth, I kept sucking till he was emptied out. I downed every last drop.

When he was done I withdrew and thanked him.

The two chatted with each other, the lady said "Four out of ten, not bad for first attempt we will have to teach her more" The man agreed saying "She needs more cock in that slutty mouth"

I sighed.

Back to the ropes, tied up and hoisted upwards, I was flogged for a very long time, whilst being flogged they put Julia on the cam so she could watch. My tits, pussy and butt receives most of their attention. The more I screamed the happier Julia seemed to be, she kept saying "Get that pussy" And they did, repeated floggings that caught me between my legs, till I could fight no more, that is when they stopped and lowered me down.

No time to rest, I was taken to another room, round the ceiling was an electric rail that wound it way above our heads, computer switched on and there was Julia. My lead was tied to one of the hooks that hung from the rail.

"When we start this up you will walk round the room guided by your leash, it does not move to fast. You however must keep up, with each step your knee must be raised to ninety degrees with your body so raise those legs, your arms must be behind your back, chest and butt out, the lead will keep your head straight.

I glanced over at the grinning Julia, then at the other two both with floggers in their hands, tears rolled down my cheeks the girl switched the electricity on.

I felt a tug on my neck as my collar now forced me forward, the first few steps my knees did not come up high enough for them I was flogged as I walked. Once I got it right the floggings stopped, I could feel my pussy was wet and every so often they stopped the machine in order to check on it.

That annoying Julia would come out with things like "Keep those legs up, they are teaching you how to walk like a sex-slave would"

Every so often I fell out of step or my arms would drop, I was stopped my pussy given a flogging or a spooning up came Julia with "Hit that pussy hard" They did.

I spent a long time going round in circles Julia commented "In fifteen minutes Tom will be twenty one, he is waiting outside.

I shook my head and spoke out loud "No, please no"

She just laughed "He is looking forward to watch you being trained, you cannot deny him that"

I sobbed, my long march in circles went on, after many hours and exhaustive work I was allowed to rest for ten minutes, it was then the girl left the room and soon returned with a pair of very high-heels. I had never seen shoes like these before, a pair of red high-heels that sloped down sharply, who could walk in those, but each shoe was placed on my feet and strapped into place, I started to wobble, they both help me to stand, when I leaned to far one way or the other my collar prevented me from falling, that hurt a little.

"You will learn to walk in these heels all pony-girls must do so, it might make you a little horny but who cares"

Julia laughed when she saw me in these shoes and just then Tom came to the cam they both chuckled my training continued.

This time the boy and girl helped me around the room I was very unsteady, each time I hesitated my pussy received a firm smack with the wooden paddle. This style in walking made my legs ache not to mention my back, I was stopped for a moment so they could rope up my arms and tie the ends off to the rear of my collar, on next came a leather bra, they showed me the inside of each cup, tiny pins stuck out, the girl placed it on me very gently and strapped it round the rear.

"The needles inside the bra will hurt your skin and more so when your breasts get flogged, many of the pins are right on your nipples and we will have no problem pressing on your bra. We have helped you round this room often enough you are now on your own, each time your slip we will give your tits five of the best"

I sobbed, I could hear their laughter in the background, I stepped forward in tandem with the rail above, each leg went to the ninety degrees, I had no arms to use to keep my balance, my breasts ached as the pins stuck in, the few times I hesitated or did not lift my knees high enough I was stopped my pussy given ten of the best, g-d my pussy throbbed.

I slipped many times, my tits given a flogging I even saw a trickle of blood. After many hours they stopped the motor and I was helped down, bra taken off which stung like hell, they used wet wipes on my breasts then ointment on my sore nipples.

The girl spoke up.

"You have done well in the past fourteen hours, you will now eat, then be placed in a cage till you are fully repaired, this will last one month"
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