Leather chastity belt

Review your chastity belt!
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Pyra Gorgon
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Re: Leather chastity belt

Post by Pyra Gorgon »

Lizza wrote:Such silly MALE talk.
How can a metal belt "make you scared of it"? ridiculous.

I dunno, Lizza. I'm pretty scared of a leather belt...being applied to my ass with a strong shoulder behind it!!! (ouchie! that leaves hot welts) ;)

Oh wait...different kind of belt there....nevermind!!!
Chastity...fun to wear...horrible to have as a name!
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Re: Leather chastity belt

Post by dashingdarla »

Pyra Gorgon wrote:I dunno, Lizza. I'm pretty scared of a leather belt...being applied to my ass with a strong shoulder behind it!!! (ouchie! that leaves hot welts) ;)
Those are fun too :)

Leather belts do stink pretty quick for they are absorbent of sweat and other body fluids.

If I'm not mistaken, the belt the OP posted is not really leather, but pleather, so it's easier to clean and will stink less, but it's durability would be next to nothing.

It's a good belt to make a pattern from *if* it's comfortable to wear.

I've made leather CB's before, they're easy and fun to make, but they're really not functional belts as removal is just a snip away, assuming that's an issue.
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Re: Leather chastity belt

Post by MaitreZ »

virginitysaving wrote:
MaitreZ wrote:
Leather belt but with a metallic cage/shield. So it's rigid and more efficient than "toy" all-leather belts sold today by some online shops.
Such belt will start stinking quickly, because leather is absorbent.
So could be worn for short-term only.
You right, efficient... but not for long time.
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Re: hardened Leather chastity belt

Post by CylonSexFiend »

If you really want to go for leather you could try cuir bouilli. A hardened leather worked by boiling leather in water or wax then shaping while still hot and pliable. I have only worked in waxed cuir bouilli it has a smooth waterproof surface like the facing board pieces on a riding saddle. Armour harnesses shed sweat quite well so you could wear it for quite a while before it became manky and once it did the waterproof sheen can be restored by heating, the wax deep in the leather comes back to the surface.
If you have one of these play belts in leather already lying around you could turn it into something useful for the price of some wax , duck tape, the loan of a big pot and some silicon kitchen sheet to protect you from the heat.
Or a friend has a modern version of cuir bouilli, soak leather in polyurethane for a fortnight then wipe off excess and then form. Makes it hard like the same thickness of plywood.
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