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Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 20:47
by JaneC09
Okay it looks pretty similar to most chastity belts I see online, waist band connected to the vertical band (connected on both ends) like a thong. But the front is much wider than I've seen on other belts on the internet, sorta shaped like panties. There is a small hole for me to pee out of, and a hole for shitting (though the hole is smaller than those I've seen on the internet). The front is an engraned locked.

Hope this helps. I appreciate people's help and input.

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 21:34
by fitherin
The front is an engraned locked.???
Hello Jane Do you mean a radial lock with around key hole and a very robust area porotecting the cylinder from files and drill bits please. Just trying to picture the actual set up that your locked into, :cry: :cry: :cry:
Dont worry unless Tobbe in his wisdom stops us posting tips on how to BUMP locks we might have you out this year or maybe the one after :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 16 Nov 2013, 23:48
by dashingdarla
JaneC09 wrote:But the front is much wider than I've seen on other belts on the internet, sorta shaped like panties.
There is no belt on earth that cannot be removed by a tool. I had a determined male remove a stainless steel chastity cage from his willy and testicles with a 4.5" angle grinder and he managed to do so without causing himself any serious injury. Barely a nick, didn't even need a bandaid.

The thinner belts you see in the internet are easily cut with tin snips or aviation snips.
Thicker belts can be cut with carbide tooling of all kinds and abrasive cut-off wheels.

If it's a thong style the best place to cut is just below the waist belt above your butt cheeks, because there's going to be a small gap there due to the curve of your spine.

If you were here, I'd have you out of the belt in about 5 minutes, tops, and you wouldn't even need a bandaid.

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 19 Nov 2013, 23:24
by grthman78
I agree with the last post, you just havent met someone smart enough yet, I could also have u free in simple time...

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 19 Nov 2013, 23:25
by JaneC09
Just to give everyone an update, I have somebody local working on my belt. Supposedly this woman has taken off chastity belts before, which made me hopeful, though I've heard the promise before.

She came to my place yesterday after work to take a look at it. First she tried to pick the lock, that didn't work (big shock). Then she tried some of the tools she brought with her, including a dremel as one poster suggested, but it didn't work. She put a cloth between the belt and my waste, and tried cutting through it. I felt like I could have gotten burned, but luckily she stopped before it got too hot. I could tell she knew what she was doing. She still said this belt was very difficult to get off. Once again, my hopes were shot.

However, she says I can come back to her place on Thursday where she has more tools. She's determined to get it off, and she says she will. The worst case scenario is she would have to do a little bit of sawing every day or so until it eventually cuts through and I can get the belt off, which could take a long ass time. I tried doing that myself a few years ago and got no results, but maybe this will be different.

Well if I have to stop by her place everyday after work to get this fucking thing off, what do I got to lose? (Fingers crossed!)

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 04:11
by dashingdarla
I can appreciate not wanting to post a picture to protect your privacy.

Maybe you could take pictures, front and back, and crop the area between mid-thigh and your navel, and share those? Then your privacy can be preserved while we can see the belt and maybe offer some better advice.

Just a thought, no pressure.

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 20:45
by Kellymac3
Great idea Darla. We know you have a lot of expertise......

Could I recommend JaneC sends you a private message, PM, so you could help her with her predicament.

If I was stuck in a belt, I'd contact Darla ;-)

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 18:13
by dashingdarla
PM is fine. Happy to help if I can.

Though, I have more experience belting people than unbelting them :)

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 23:30
by virginitysaving
Let me be a prophet :)
They will find that the belt is armoured inside somehow, so that lady is not able to cut it off.

Re: Stuck in a belt since 17

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 15:10
by Kellymac3
virginitysaving wrote:Let me be a prophet :)
They will find that the belt is armoured inside somehow, so that lady is not able to cut it off.
Indeed that would be quite a dilemma! ;-)