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Re: Selling a Female "Forever" Access Denied Belt - SOLD

Posted: 21 Nov 2019, 14:20
by Anthony6969
you look good in that belt , Wendy
that belt has found a good home.

Re: Selling a Female "Forever" Access Denied Belt - SOLD

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 22:12
by libbylibbylibby
Looks great! But frankly it looks like it sits too low and could be slipped over your hips. I tried one that was similar and to get it so I couldn’t slip out, it had to be so tight that I got bad sore spots on my hips. In my case, that with enough effort it could be slipped out of made for a fees fun “game” sessions, but I was always in my waist belt before my OH left the house. Don’t know what happened to it. Think it was lost when we moved

At any rate it think it looks good on you, just not what I would expect for someone that wants to avoid sex

It will be fun to see how it works out!


Re: Selling a Female "Forever" Access Denied Belt - SOLD

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 09:50
by Wendy
It is definitely the worst belt for daily life. It hurts my hipbones, locks are hard to hide, and I cannot close it without the key. Its conception is definitely bad.
However, it interests me since it is low, and I had no hipstyle belts before this one. It matches great with one of my new metal items.

I tried to pull it down: my hipbones are too wide, I can't.

Re: Selling a Female "Forever" Access Denied Belt - SOLD

Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 18:52
by Tobbe
You must known your hip type, before you can decide if you should buy a hip belt and if it will be impossible to take off.
Hip types are classified based on the coronal view of the hips. Each type is characterized based on the relative width of the waist line, iliac crest line, and greater trochanter line.


(A) The oval type has a relatively narrow waist line and great trochanter line, in contrast to a wide iliac crest line.
(B) Women with the straight type have straight lines along their waist, pelvis, and thighs.
(C) The peach type refers to a slim waist and iliac crest line with stout thighs.
(D) The trapezoid type is characterized by a straight line along the waist and hips, while the sides of the thighs are highly projected.
(E) In the heart type, a great deal of fat is located on the waist, and in many cases the pelvis appears to be shaped like a heart.
(F) The W type has the waist and thighs projected sideways with a relatively narrow iliac crest line.

Best are (C) and (E) but sometimes (A) and also (D) can be safe enough.
Easiest to test first with a wide leather belt. If you can pull it down, it's not a good idea to even think about a hip belt!

Re: Selling a Female "Forever" Access Denied Belt - SOLD

Posted: 16 Jan 2020, 18:33
by libbylibbylibby
Very good info! Thank you!

I guess I would be best described as a “c” but of course that is a product of wearing corsets all the time.