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Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 29 Sep 2020, 16:59
by Jen
Hi Wendy

Yes, make sens. Effectively as tailored, the second-hand market should not be real good


Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 04:00
by Alphas_pet
Hi- I am new to locked status and just had to take it off to heal up a skin issue. I thought I was doing so well making sure I got my groin area good and dry but I kind of forgot about the waist band and front strap would rub and chafe wet skin too. Very disappointed in myself. Alpha says it's ok. That we learn and move on and try again. I am struggling with that. But what we did learn is that we both like it a lot.

I very much appreciate all of the information in this thread and the others I have been reading. Thank you all.


Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 12 Nov 2020, 21:59
by Wendy
Chafing between the waistbelt and the skin is normal. If you have rednesses (due to the pressure or light chafing), this is fine. But if the skin is damaged in any way, the belt must be taken off immediately.
Wounds (blood leakages) can have multiple causes: silicon ripped off or damaged, too much chafing, too much pressure (caused by workout and supertight belt), pinching, ...
Bruises (skin changing color, usually blue or green) are usually caused by a too tight belt.
Scrapes (peeling skin cells) are caused by chafing. A loose belt chafes more than a tight belt.

To prevent such problems, I recommend you vegetal oil. Sweet almond, shea butter and argan oil mixed together are the best mixing I have ever tried.
Put some oil on your fingers, then rub them on the belt (inner side). You feel the oily contact.
Spread oil as many times as you need (especially after shower or sweating). When belted, I always have a bottle of oil in my backpack, just in case. I always put the oil on the belt, not on the skin. That helps spreading it efficiently.

The drawback of oils is, you need to wash your hands after. This problem doesn't occur with creams. As a compensation, creams are less effective than oils. For a long trip in trains, creams do the job as well.

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 12 Nov 2020, 22:03
by Tobbe
Maybe your waist band not is as tight as possible?
If it to lose, it will rubb your skin and will be like new to large shoes.

Heal your skin and try to only wear it some hours a day. If it works fine,
you adds one more hour each day.

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 16 Nov 2020, 06:38
by SayleD
Great answers

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 17 Nov 2020, 07:55
by Alphas_pet
Thank you all very much. alpha has had me out since we discovered the skin issue. He understood that I would be impatient. But the new low rise cable style belt will be here tomorrow. He was right in his wisdoms to make me wait. I am healed and excited not get it fitted. After reading the answers here and other threads I believe I have identified most of the areas I went wrong and hope to correct them this time.

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 17 Nov 2020, 11:03
by Tobbe
Everyone makes mistakes in the beginning!
You can now start over, but take it easy and do not get too eager to use your chastity belt for too many hours, just because you think you can do it.

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 17 Nov 2020, 11:23
by Wendy
Don't start the level 8 before clearing the level 5. Be patient and give your body the time it needs.

You don't wear a chastity belt like you wear panties. You need to get used to it, to have care routines.

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 19:43
by ChastityChelsea
Thank you all, this thread has been really helpful! It's my fantasy to be permanently locked. I know it's just a fantasy but if I can go 30 days without taking it off like Wendy that would be an amazing achievement. I will have a keyholder so having an emergency key isn't a problem.

Re: Question about chastity belt

Posted: 22 Nov 2020, 22:28
by John R Starvele
Chastity Chelsea,

If you are going for long-term you may want to read about Corrie Russel experience with permeant chastity. I guess it is possible. I submitted her recovered website and it is still here someplace on this website.