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Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 01:15
by fitherin
I agree a piece of worked metal will harden as Lizza says.
As regards to needing a dremel to cut the belt? why. The weak spot is nearly always the lock, the hasp or the stud it is held together by. I would take my time and defeat the lock and still have a useable belt. If I was bored with the belt I would put it away and go do other stuff. I have messed around with belts and cages over 7 years or so but not always 24/7 or 365 . Have a break till it beckons you back into its embrace as it surely will do.
My opinion for what its worth.
If you dont destroy the main belt you can always sell it to some other potential wearer
:D :D :D

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 03:21
by Lizza1
It was the gorgan who said to someone use a dremel to escape.It wasn't me.It was her idea!!

Yes I am bored.I have now been right up to the point almost of NOT being able to get out.One moor hole on my belt and I would be stuck.I have yet again vandalized another lock, that's 3 now!!
ha ha

One thing I will not do is attempt to cut it off, so I never get to the actual point where I would need to cut it,because I don't think I actually could.Pyra knows the kind of formidable lock I have on the belt,its the same as hers.

I don't really understand myself.On one hand I want to get into it,then very soon I want to take it off,on the other hand when I am not in it, I DO want to get into it.Weird.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 09:34
by fitherin
Hello Lizza

Not weird at all. Having been into belt wearing on and off for 7 years I still experience the same cycle of hate and need. Like you I self lock, as a challenge to myself first and foremost.

Dont give in to giving up. I suspect your single and dont have a key holder or mentor to help you to share impose a regieme of control and denial OR add fun for that matter it makes the lock in seem almost pointless. However being locked by you can satisfy you at this moment in time so stick with it and I HOPE the locks continue to undo when you have had enough[this time].
Nice to see that your still on the contributors pages on a regular basis.
How about designing your own locking system to replace the BW. I am sure Pyra can help if you ask :?:

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 19:45
by Lizza1
I am not single.
Heterosexual to.

In my case others to?The lock "merely" serves to make it wearable.Be rather awkward wearing without a lock.I do wonder about what our(anyone) psychology is about wearing belts,male or female.I think most of us here wear them for other reasons than just being chastised or being chaste?
This is in in the wrong topic, i think this is supposed to be about reviews.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 22:26
by dashingdarla
Lizza1 wrote:In my case others to? The lock "merely" serves to make it wearable.Be rather awkward wearing without a lock.I do wonder about what our(anyone) psychology is about wearing belts,male or female.I think most of us here wear them for other reasons than just being chastised or being chaste?
If one is trying to protect the “pink bits” from any kind of interaction, a lock is a great thing but not all chastity belts are worn as protection any more as you noted.

Eons ago they were made to protect royal women from male attackers, those attackers being the head of an invading army. After all, in a barbaric world, what better prize is there than deflowering the Kings virgin daughter, or his wife? Talk about humiliation to the conquered king..

Later on, common men belted their daughters for the same reason, though the attackers might be internal rather than an externally invading army but not always. They also belted their wives for the same reason – mostly because men often left home for long spans of time to fish, serve in the military, etc. Chastity belts ensured their wives and daughters would have the same status when the men returned. A spoiled wife or daughter was the ultimate humiliation back in the day.

The reason why belts were so effective back then is because the common man didn’t have dremels and tin snips and hacksaws. All they had were chisels and hammers, so cutting a woman out of an iron chastity belt would likely injure her severely for the striking force had to be tremendous to break the iron.

Today, a $20-50 trip to the hardware store and you’re out of the belt if you wanted to be out that bad.

You’re right though, chastity devices may be worn for reasons other than protecting one’s virginity or sexuality. These reasons include (but certainly not limited to) behavior control, obedience, humiliation, decoration or fashion, dominance and/or submission, ownership, psychological comfort, and the list goes on and on and on. A recent trend is for men in cuckold relationships to wear them as a symbol they're in a cuckold relationship and also, to thwart the resolving of any sexual urges themselves.

There are many forms of chastity too, not just block and containment type devices like belts and cages. You’re not likely to hear about them unless you’re part of the BDSM, fetish, or kinky communities.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 23:18
by Lizza1
Presumably the man was also content with himself not being able to make love to his chastised wife as well! It wasn't very clever to lock her up was it?

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 14:36
by dashingdarla
Well, the belts were removed for intercourse obviously.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 15:03
by Lizza1
So do you think they had some kind of a lock on them?I thought when she was belted it was permanent and could not be taken off.I was under the impression they were riveted on by a blacksmith.But i don't know.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 14 Sep 2013, 01:23
by gotsteel
First of all thanks for the review dashingdarla.
Lizza wrote:Actually a man could depending on his size put the "head" of his "part" through the slot on a female belt!
An additional way of stopping him escaping.
Second, no just no. I'm looking at my girls belt and it would take the worst case of needle dick known to man to fit through there. Also there's no room between the primary and secondary shield for the penis to sit.
Pyra Gorgon wrote:I think the chastity bra is sexay!
I also like the look of it. If I thought it would fit my girl I'd get her one just to go clubbing.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 14 Sep 2013, 12:49
by Lizza1
this is off topic............agreed

depends on the width of the slot.....they are all different
a secondary shield would not be worn.
seems like some? men DO wear female belts.
How do I know that? I don't, but its my impression in this forum.