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Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 00:53
by gotsteel
Lizza1 wrote: depends on the width of the slot.....they are all different
a secondary shield would not be worn.
Not that different.

Check out neosteel, go to products and click the upper right picture, see how the slit is even narrower. Same thing with Mysteel, ... SF200.html scroll down until you can see the primary shield. My girls belt has the widest vaginal slot I've seen and the belt being reviewed here can't be any wider.

So pray tell, what female chastity belt do you think you're talking about?

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 04:59
by Lizza1
ok whatever you say.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 06:02
by dashingdarla
Lizza1 wrote:So do you think they had some kind of a lock on them?I thought when she was belted it was permanent and could not be taken off.I was under the impression they were riveted on by a blacksmith.But i don't know.
Either is possible, but I don't know either. I assumed, at least the wife's or queen's would be removable, thus have a lock of some kind. Locks were massive in size though in those days for they didn't have any kind of machining equipment to make precise, smaller parts.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 06:04
by dashingdarla
gotsteel wrote:My girls belt has the widest vaginal slot I've seen and the belt being reviewed here can't be any wider.
I personally haven't seen a metal chastity belt where a penis could be fit through the slot. This is why biological males who wear them, "tuck". It has to go somewhere lol

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 15:17
by gotsteel
dashingdarla wrote: I personally haven't seen a metal chastity belt where a penis could be fit through the slot. This is why biological males who wear them, "tuck". It has to go somewhere lol
I know huh, really if one thinks about it why would a belt have a slot wide enough to accept a penis? I mean that would make it so that without the secondary shield the belt was completely useless.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 20:08
by Lizza1

Just ask oneself this question.
WHY do some men actually wear female belts?!

I have read a few horror stories of what a mans belt can do to a mans anatomy.I have not so far read of any such stories with female belts (irrespective of the wearer being male or female).

I think ALL of these belts are just toys.They can ALL be cut off with chrome vanadium side cutters.I qualify this by assuming most belts are stainless steel.
As has been intimated already recently in here under this very topic heading.Yes as the gorgan has said this Chinese belt she discusses here is low quality thinnish stainless.The only formidable looking belt I have seen so far is a "tollyboy".I personally would NOT liked to be locked in that thing!
The lock looks scary and the actual belt (there is a picture of it here in this forum somewhere).Looks like if you get locked in that you might have serious problems getting out without a key.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 16 Sep 2013, 20:37
by Tobbe
It's not the most important thing if a belt can be opened or cut apart. The most important is that the person wearing the belt can´t, without disclosed that she done it. If the chastity belt also prevents her to have an orgasm, it is only a plus.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 17 Sep 2013, 06:49
by gotsteel
Lizza1 wrote: Just ask oneself this question.
WHY do some men actually wear female belts?!
I haven‘t the faintest idea. I admit utter bafflement on the subject. This is the first I've heard of it.

Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 18 Sep 2013, 16:44
by dashingdarla
Lizza1 wrote:Just ask oneself this question. WHY do some men actually wear female belts?!
gotsteel wrote:I haven‘t the faintest idea. I admit utter bafflement on the subject. This is the first I've heard of it.
A female chastity belt is really just a tool to prevent vaginal penetration and depending on the design, also prevent masturbation.

If the same tool is affixed to a man, it will prevent the man from penetrating others and again depending on the design, also prevent masturbation, though with added discomfort because men are "outies" and women are "innies" if you catch my drift.

In the kinky world, there are many kinds of people who explore things not everyone in the population think about that often. There are:
  • Sadists - people who enjoy causing pain and discomfort in others.
  • Masochists - people who enjoy allowing others to cause them pain or discomfort.
  • Dominants - people who enjoy controlling others.
  • Submissives - people who enjoy others controlling them.
The reason why the above do the things they do is because it excites them in some way - sexually, psychologically, emotionally, usually a combination of the three.

So, if a Dominant, female sadist wants to apply a female chastity belt to a male masochist submissive, you can likely see why both might enjoy that. A male wearing a female chastity belt is not likely to be "comfortable" because female chastity belts do not need to take into consideration protruding male parts in their design - because they're intended for female bodies which wouldn't have those. So, the men wearing them will either have their privates squashed or they'll have to tuck - which is folding the flaccid penis underneath and back while pushing the testes back inside the body cavities where they were before the male experienced puberty.

Another element of the kinky world is humiliation, and if you can imagine a man going through his daily life with his privates tucked or squashed, held that way by a tightly affixed, heavy piece of metal, that might be very humiliating whether that situation is obvious to the outside world or not. Certainly a business suit would fully cover such a thing. But the man wearing it, knows it's there, and some men really enjoy the humiliation aspect. Those who are Sadists and/or Dominants sometimes enjoy creating a situation of humiliation for those who are masochists and enjoy humiliation in some form.

A female chastity belt can also be physical reminder of the agreed upon power exchange - the man wears it not because he wants to per se, but because he gave partial or complete authority over his being to another person - and that other person decided for their amusement (or whatever), to have the man in a female chastity belt for some, all, or any of the reasons above plus others I haven't mentioned while trying to keep this as simple as I can.

Aside from being a physical reminder of something, it can also be a symbol, much like a wedding band is a symbol of "married and not available". It's usually a symbol of the power exchange - the Dominant having an "I own you" attitude towards the submissive who gave the Dominant some or all power in the exchange. Much like a "collar", except not worn around the neck.

Controlling a man's sexuality by device is a form of power exchange. The man can be locked and the person doing the locking can carry the key with him/her leaving the man sexually helpless, frustrated, humiliated, or whatever else you can think of.

Adding gender to the mix is interesting too, for gender is rather binary from a biological standpoint - male and female - self-perception isn't always that way. For some, the mental perception of their own gender is less binary and more fluid. For others, it's a point of confusion and much pain. A transsexual is a person who is biologically one gender, but innately feels they are of the other gender. Some of them have extensive surgery to make their bodies somewhat match how they feel, others just live as the other gender as-is. Of course there's a whole gammit in between. There are also crossdressers, which are people who wear clothing of the other gender, because they get something out of it physically, emotionally, or sexually, often times a combination of the three. Most of them are hetro, a small portion is not, not that it really matters.

So imagine for a moment all the combinations of the above (and things I haven't expanded on) with varying degrees, and how some of those combinations might actually end up resulting in a male wearing a female chastity belt.


Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Posted: 18 Sep 2013, 18:51
by dashingdarla
Lizza1 wrote:You left out a few things why a BIO male might wear a female belt.
Yes, of course. I barely scratched the surface and I did that intentionally to give the conversation a starting point rather than typing a five page dissertation.
Lizza1 wrote:I have read about this.The "tucking" stuff you mention is nothing less than in essence "walking or sitting around with his penis stuck up his ****.Hardly desirable.
Tucking is one method (of many) for hiding the male privates so there is no visible bulge up front. A female chastity belt can do that as can a gaff, a female girdle panty, duct tape, and a whole variety of other methods. A female chastity belt locks, whereas gaffs, girdles, duct tape does not. It's an important point to remember. The locking aspect potentially has other meanings to the wearer, aside from basic hiding of the male genitals.
Lizza1 wrote:Wearing a fem belt would be much more preferable than how ever they do it normally such as using tape or something to keep the THING in the right place! AS I understand it a fem belt replaces the "need" to "tuck".
That might be fine for some men, but some men do have to tuck anyway to wear a female chastity belt. Obviously men come in all sizes and shapes. Some people with male bodies (regardless of their perception of their gender) like the physical feeling of tucking. Some for sexual reasons, others like it because it reminds them they are hiding the genitals. There are many other reasons too. It's an interesting psychological riff, at least to me.

Anyway, there is no one-size-fits-all viewpoint for any of this, and that's why speaking in absolutes is rather dangerous - reading a few pages on the internet doesn't make anyone an expert. Neither does my almost 40 years of exposure to the transgender community, for I myself am not afflicted with situation therefore I cannot personally relate to it - I can only share my observations accumulated over many years, which I have changed my thoughts on many times as I learned more about it through exposure.
Lizza1 wrote:Transsexuals normally hate their male parts and being a BIO male.(male 2 female).A fem belt does in fact "feminise" to any degree a male bodied person".Wearing a female belt closely associates a male with the female body in my opinion, and it is only my opinion.
Yes, and that's why I mentioned people with gender afflictions in my above post. I would agree with you in most cases. Except, the lock adds something for some people because they cannot remove the belt themselves.
Lizza1 wrote: I think this is NOT the right place.
Okay, then why did you respond NOT in the right place again and again? :D