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Carrara or not?

Posted: 26 Dec 2022, 17:41
by Zoe
Hi =),

I kinda like the more stomach covering frontshield of the Carrara. But it looks very heavy and bulky. I am also not so sure about the thong (cable) rear.

Has someone already tried one and could share some experience with it?

I know a chastity belts main purpose is not to look pretty. But I really would like one, that looks a bit feminine and "fun" to wear. (If latter is even possible :s)

I know I am weird, my friends even gave me a certificate confirming that for my birthday a few years ago x)

Looking forward hearing your thoughts and advice!

Many thanks,

Re: Carrara or not?

Posted: 30 Dec 2022, 18:27
by Husky-Aco
Hey Zoe,

I can only tell you about the male Carrara. But it is the most confortable belt I know.
At first I was also skeptical about the cable rear. But it very confotable to wear. Anf
And if you go to toilett you can use a shoelaces or something like this, make a loop around the cable and pull it aside.
If you want to know more, I recommend you to see if Carrara is at a trade fair near you. There you can test wear the chastity belt.

Greeting Aco

Re: Carrara or not?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023, 01:51
by Wendy

I tried a Carrara some years ago. And to be fair, I don't mean any lack of respect towards this great-looking belt: among all belts I tried, it is the one I enjoyed the least. It is bulky, the crotchband is very narrow, and the rear wire is a bad idea for hygiene.

Chastity belts can look pretty and be very comfortable. My Chinese and My-Steel belts can even be hidden under a swimsuit!

If you don't have any experience with chastity, the best is to start with a Chinese model. After some time, you can upgrade to a prenium belt.