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Danielle's Story - Part 4

Posted: 26 Nov 2023, 02:41
by Blue
“Got yourself in a little trouble, eh? Remove your clothing and hop into the stirrups,” Mr. Young told her when she arrived to the facility for her appointment. There was something about Mr. Young she really disliked. He’s a sadist, she thought, wrinkling her nose at him. He caught her expression. Hopefully he took it to mean a dislike of the stirrups and not of him personally. With her shirt and skirt off and folded, she climbed up onto the examination chair, wincing a little as her weight settled onto her still-tender backside. She set her feet in the stirrups, and leaned back. The one thing she could say about Mr. Young was that he wasn’t a pervert. She didn’t fear for her safety, around him. Her hands were cuffed at her sides, and Young donned a pair of latex gloves. He poked and prodded and found the point of entry she had exploited. “Wow,” he said as he tried to insert his pinky finger. “You really got creative, didn’t you?” His fingers continued to explore her body and Danielle pinkened with embarrassment as he so casually violated her privacy. “I’m going to remove the devices and get to work on my adjustments.” She wiggled out of the bra and belt as he unlocked each piece and he covered her with a blanket. She had thought maybe he wasn’t so bad after all, but no sooner than the thought occurred to her, Mr. Young turned on some choice erotica that most certainly tested well with her the last time she was here. Fucker! she thought to herself, seething at him.

“Enjoy!” he said before disappearing to his work table.

The scent of solder permeated the air and she saw flashes of light as he welded pieces together. What in this world was this man doing to her devices? She needed to talk to Officer Grant about getting a new design technician assigned to her.

The bra Mr. Young presented had no changes other than some additional foam around the edges of the cups for comfort. He helped her into it, needing to manipulate each breast into its cup since she was reclining and gravity was going against her.

“Such a shame that was only a warning for the thigh bands,” he announced as he whisked the blanket off her lower half. “Oh my!” he said, focusing his eyes on her glistening crotch. “What a mess you made!” If I’d have realized it would be that bad, I’d have put a towel under you.”

Danielle blushed a deep shade of pink. She hated this man. “Or…. And this is just an idea, Mr. Young, or you could have selected some family-rated entertainment. Maybe put the news on for me.” She sneered at him as he wiped her down with some paper towels.

"Or I could use your time here to gather datapoints for Officer Grant to assist with his program design." He held the modified belt for her to examine before reinstalling it on her body. “The shield has a little grating around it now to make it more difficult for fingers or tools to reach in and retrieve any lost items.” Danielle rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry, Offender Marcan. Did I hit a sore spot there? You didn’t recently misplace anything inside your shield, did you? That would be so embarrassing!”

“What other modifications did you make?” Danielle snapped at him.

He ignored her tone. He was, after all, provoking her. “I added two rear straps to increase the contact between the back of the belt and your body. It shouldn’t feel tighter, but there is less opportunity to slip objects beneath the crotch plate. Usually a belt has either the back bar like a g-string -the one you have-, or it has these two rear straps that run up the sides of your ass. Now you have both.” She had to admit that the design looked pretty clever. The semi-flexible rear straps were coated a thin layer of foam and joined in middle to loan or borrow slack from the other side to aid in free movement. He eased the belt around her body and locked it into place before allowing her to stand so he could install the rest of it. She tugged her labia through the slot in the crotch plate and Mr. Young pulled the whole getup taut before locking it in place. When the shield was secured, she tested her movement by doing lunges, squats, and various twisting movements.

“I have to admit, you did a good job, Mr. Young.”

Mr. Young grinned with self-satisfaction. “I look forward to torturing you further at our next appointment.”

Danielle looked confused. “We don’t have another appointment scheduled.”

“Oh, we will, Marcan! You’re the kind of offender who needs a lot of tending to. Eventually, you’re going to piss Officer Grant off enough for him to pull the trigger on those thigh bands. I’m going to get them pre-printed for you and have them waiting on the shelf over there,” he said, pointing to the rack of components where the glittery pink cock cage could be found.

Danielle knew in that moment just how serious he was. He’s a smarmy jerk, but he’s also serious. She needed to get out of there before she got herself into trouble. She rented another personal transport to get herself home and engaged the autodrive. She flipped up her skirt and viewed her engorged pussy lips through their protective casing. Damn that Mr. Young showing her all that erotic content. For a full hour she had to sit there and watch. How could she avoid it? Even when she turned her head, the audio was still there. Now her pussy was pulsing and tingling with need.

She changed into lounge pants when she got home, and as she dressed, there in the mirror were her pouty, sensitized pussy lips starting back at her, begging her to take a hammer to the shield. -Not that it would break. It would be much easier if her lips weren’t in full view, teasing her like this!


On Friday at exactly 7:00 PM, Officer Grant was back on her doorstep. He set up his materials in her living room once again while she sat in her side chair and watched him work. She tried to make small talk.

“Did you have a nice day?”

“I’m more interested in your day, but yes. I did. All of my charges are progressing well through their individual programs. And most importantly, none of my charges required correction today. It was a punishment-free day.”

Danielle nodded her head, pleased to learn that her new monitor wasn’t punishment-hungry as she suspected Mr. Young was… even though to be fair, she had started it with the indecent proposal. She still thought he was a sadistic prick.

“Tell me about your week, Danielle. How did things go at the support group?”

“Ivy is going to a protest downtown next weekend and she invited me to come with her.” When Officer Grant asked her some follow-up questions, Danielle provided him with what details she knew. She noticed Officer Grant’s interest in what she had to say. He asked her follow-up questions, asked for her opinion on things. She felt listened to and she appreciated his approach with her. Then he asked her something she wasn’t expecting.

“Are you telling me all of this because you’re asking to attend the protest?”

“I was planning on attending, yes…. sir.” She added the “sir” when she noticed his eyebrow raise. He was very formal! “Why? Am I supposed to inform you if I’m attending a protest?”

Grant sat forward in his seat as he addressed his charge. “You technically need my permission to go to the grocery store, but certain activities are pre-approved. Other activities require a discussion first, and yes, Danielle, approval.”

Danielle furrowed her brow, not at all liking that her activities were being restricted. “It’s just to protest the destruction of a historic landmark in favor of building a stadium. It’s no big deal. I could understand if I was attending a rally to protest some hot-button political topic pertaining to the justice system, but a movie theater? Why do you even care?”

Grant placed both of his hands on his chest, right where his pectorals were, and he told Danielle to do the same. When she did, he asked, “What do you feel?”

“My bra.”

“Your hardened bra that you cannot remove. That bra is there because you are now my charge; my responsibility. You did something to get yourself into this situation, and the right was taken away from you to make the full range of decisions that you could before.”

He scooped his phone off the table and began typing. After a moment, her phone buzzed. “I’ve sent you a new rule for your program and a task, Danielle. The new rule stipulates that if you’re going anywhere controversial, such as protests, marches, rallies, or political demonstrations, you will ask my permission. Your new task is to research this protest you’d like to attend and provide me with a detailed description of what you are protesting, who will be affected, and what the opposing sides stand to gain or lose with the destruction, or restoration of the movie theater.”

Danielle frowned but nodded her head. She added a “Yes, sir.” When Officer Grant raised his hand to his ear, indicating that he couldn’t hear her response.

“Very well then!” He said, setting his phone on the table and reaching into his pocket for the keys to her devices. “Let’s go ahead and take a look.” He stood up and indicated for her to do the same. He examined her bra area and noted some redness on her skin where the cup was chafing against her rib. He advised her to pad the area with tissues until her body adjusted to the pressure. She slipped her pants off folded them with her shirt and set the pile aside.

“What is this?” he asked, pointing to her shield which had been treated with a coat of black permanent marker. The effect was a semi-transparent layer of ink that obscured her labia from view. “And before you answer, let me remind you of your rules. You are being asked a question.”

“Well, sir, it’s like this… the visibility of my sex was making me uncomfortable. I felt so exposed. So I covered myself. I needed something I could still shower with, and permanent marker made the most sense.” Actually, the view of her desperately untouched sex trapped behind its clear enclosure heightened her feelings of shame and humiliation, which in turn, aroused her to no end. She wasn’t sure why she had these reactions, but they couldn’t possibly be normal, and for her own well-being, she concealed her sex from view.

“So you modified the design of the belt, is that correct?”

“Well, I didn’t think of it like that. It seemed more to me that I was aiding in my mental health.”

“…. By modifying the design of the belt?”

She huffed at his description.

“Lace your fingers behind your head and widen your stance. I’ll be removing the shield now.”

“Yessir,” she muttered, bringing herself into compliance with his command. He unlocked the shield, inspected it, and snapped his fingers toward the floor.


She did so immediately, keeping her fingers laced behind her head.

“You signed a contract with the Department of Justice to be considered for alternative sentencing which later got transferred to the Department of Corrections when you were convicted.” Danielle nodded her head, suddenly realizing where he was going with this.

“I’m sorry, sir. I did sign, and I didn’t take the contract into consideration when I… modified the belt,” she said, conceding to his point on modification.

Grant nodded his head, appearing content. “You forgot this particular stipulation was in the contract?”

“Yes, sir, I’m sorry for that.”

“Okay, Danielle. I believe you. Mistakes happen, and the contract is long, and detailed. And this,” he said holding up the marker-stained shield, “is not permanently modified, so I’m going to go easy on you. -This time. How long has your shield been altered for?”

“Four days, sir.”

“Seeing your sex, and being unable to touch it, is a part of your punishment. You have dodged part of your punishment, so you must make amends. For the next eight days, when you are at home by yourself, or in my presence alone here in your apartment, you will go without any clothing from the hips down. If you wear a robe, it must be kept open. You will make a point to stop and observe your locked up little pussy in the mirror and remind yourself each time you see it that you are subject to someone else’s ruling; my ruling, and if you get the idea to modify the design of your belt, even if all you want to do is put a tissue under the waistband where it’s rubbing, you will ask me first.”

“Yes, sir.” She knew the transparent shield was not for inspections! That sadist, Mr. Young, just wanted to make her uncomfortable.

“Stand. Let’s go clean your shield.” A lot of willpower was put forth by her to resist running into another room and locking the door behind her so she could have a few minutes alone with her clit. She instead allowed him to lead her into the powder room, and she accepted the pair of latex gloves, cleaning solution, and the marker-stained shield when he handed the items to her.

“You aren’t the first person to try this,” he told her.

After about ten minutes of scrubbing with the solution, the shield was crystal clear again. He insisted that she return her hands to the back of her head and he proceeded to perform her inspection, checking all over for signs of chaffing or bruising. Satisfied with her health and wellbeing, He had her lean forward and display her ass to him so he could inspect Mr. Young’s handiwork. “Have you tested it yet?”

“No, sir. That’s against the rules.”

Grant’s cock swelled hearing that she was submitting to him and following her rules. He was proud of her for the progress she was making.


Danielle completed her written task by reporting everything she learned about the protest Ivy wanted her go to. In the end, he declined her request to attend, but after she did the research, she agreed with his decision. The insurance company that she had been convicted of defrauding was a major player in funding the stadium that was to be built on the site of the old movie theater. The movie theater had been condemned earlier this year and had never been declared a historic location. Business owners in the area were excited about the revenue that would be generated with a new stadium, and the city needed the tax dollars that would come as a result of the basketball games being relocated to a brand new home.
From her own perspective, there had been charges the prosecution did not pursue that Danielle could be found guilty of if they were motivated to charge her. They were trumped up, and unnecessary, but there was a case to be made if Paulk Insurance decided to pursue it. Pictures or video feed of Danielle protesting against the insurance company may look bad in arbitration. Her monitor was definitely on her side… this time.


[Ivy Lewis 4:35 PM] Dani! You should come downtown to the protest. We’re all having a great time. Jennifer is here. She says to tell you to get your ass downtown!

[Jennifer Brown 4:37 PM] Yeah, actually Dani, you would really enjoy this. We’ve got something to be furious about, we can rage at the insurance company that screwed us over, and there’s beer! They’re selling for $6/each, but the fun we’re having is worth the price.

[Danielle Marcan 4:40 PM] I really appreciate the invitation, but I’m not supposed to go to the protest. Officer Grant didn’t feel it was a good idea.

[Jennifer Brown 4:43 PM] Who gives a shit what Officer Grant thinks? He’s not the boss of you!

[Danielle Marcan 4:44 PM] No, literally he is.

[Ivy Lewis 4:49 PM] Come on, Dani! Let’s do this! We’ll make it a night on the town together.

Danielle was not about to pass up and opportunity to mend her friendship with Jennifer. Forming a bond with Ivy was nice too. She needed some good friends to commiserate with at a time like this. She could be there quick. All she needed to do was put on some pants and a more appropriate top. She glanced down at her bare legs and noted that her poor little caged pussy was getting aroused again.

[Danielle Marcan 4:52] Okay, there’s a pub cattycorner to the movie theater. I’m not attending the protest, but I’ll meet you at the pub. Be there in 30 minutes.


The private transport pulled up to the pub. Danielle tapped her pay card, and exited the vehicle, which sped off to a nearby parking space to wait for the next fare. Ivy and Jennifer were very tipsy when popped into the pub to meet with Danielle. A round of beers was delivered to their table and the girls indulged as they chatted about the injustice of historic buildings being torn down for “big business” to build a stupid, worthless stadium. Danielle tried asking them some of the questions Officer Grant wanted her to answer for her task, but neither of her friends had taken the time to research their position on why they were protesting. The news vans were outside the pub filming the protesters who had handcuffed themselves to trees, fence posts, and poles in an effort to prevent the implosion team from destroying the building in the morning.

Suddenly there were screams outside and protesters fled from the old movie house, many taking cover in the pub along with the film crew, who was still filming.

“Bomb threat!” Someone shouted over the chaos that had flooded the pub. The news reporter didn’t skip a beat and began telling viewers about the bomb threat that had been called into the police and the suspicious backpack that had been left unattended on the steps of the theater. Danielle looked out the pub’s window to the people who had handcuffed themselves to the parts of the movie theater, and they looked scared and unable to release themselves. She felt awful for them. How short-sighted!

“Excuse me! Were you at the protest?” the reporter asked them.

“Yes!” Ivy and Jennifer said in unison.

“And we hope the fat cats at Paulk Insurance wake up tomorrow and see that their corporate greed is destroying this quaint community and denying the citizens a valuable landmark!” Jennifer said.

“Actually, the movie theater was condemned so it was slated for destruction either way. What do you say to that?” The reporter asked.

“Our friend actually did a lot of research on this protest and she’s here supporting the cause, aren’t you, Danielle?” Jennifer turned around to find Danielle, but discovered her chair was vacant. She and Ivy recovered quickly and spewed off the talking points they had learned about the movie theater for the news while Danielle snuck out through the pub’s backdoor.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to go home, officers,” Danielle said to the group of police who were unloading their gear and preparing for “heightened activity" in the area.

“Identification, please.” One of the officers extended his hand and plucked the ID card from Danielle’s fingers as she offered it. He tapped it to a mobile device and read through her profile. “Cuff this one. She’s coming to the station. She has a guardian. Round everyone else up!”

"No, no, no, no! I really need to get home!"

"No one is going home. There was a bomb threat and we're going to conduct interviews down at the station. Settle into the wagon, it's going to be a long night. We'll call your guardian to let him or her know where you are."

The color drained from Danielle's face. This was not going to go well for her.

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 4

Posted: 26 Nov 2023, 08:39
by Klodak71
Thank you for another great chapter. I'm curious to see how Danielle turns out at the police station.

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 4

Posted: 26 Nov 2023, 18:14
by Blue
Klodak71 wrote: 26 Nov 2023, 08:39 Thank you for another great chapter. I'm curious to see how Danielle turns out at the police station.
I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! It means a lot to me that you're dropping me little notes to say so.

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 4

Posted: 02 Dec 2023, 14:39
by Klodak71
It's a shame you're no longer continuing this great story. :(

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 4

Posted: 02 Dec 2023, 15:11
by Blue
Klodak71 wrote: 02 Dec 2023, 14:39 It's a shame you're no longer continuing this great story. :(
Oh, I'm continuing it! I'm working on it right now, in fact. I was posting quickly because I was on Thanksgiving break, but I was back at work this past week. :D

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 4

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 06:30
by Klodak71
Accept my apologies. I thought you were done. The first four episodes went in quick succession, so I misinterpreted your week-long hiatus. :roll: