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Danielle's Story - Part 5

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 00:39
by Blue
He had Danielle on the floor, kneeling before him with her hands folded neatly in her lap in that sweet way she does when she’s in subspace, waiting for his judgement. She was stripped down to the chastity belt; he had already removed her bra. He reached down and cupped her chin, drawing her face upward to look at him.

“I can’t unlock you yet, little one. But I need you now.”

Danielle bounced around ever so slightly with her excitement as Adam Grant pulled his zipper down and let his semi-hard cock spring from the confines of his clothing. He stepped near to her and her lips parted as she raised her hand to grip his cock at the base. “Oooooh, Adam,” Danielle cooed at him between the soft licks she placed on his head. Grant gripped Danielle by the hair at the back of her head and he forcefully pulled her head back up to look at him. “Adam, little one? Just because you’re mine now doesn’t mean that you call me anything but Sir.

“Yes, Sir.”

She dutifully lifted her hair when she saw him withdraw a collar from a nearby drawer and hold it out to wrap it around her neck. He pocketed the little key he used to secure his mark around her slender throat and he looked down at her with lust in his eyes.

“Mine,” he said possessively, cupping her chin once again and looking deep into her crystal clear, blue eyes. He reached down to feel her soft, full breasts and thumb her nipples to little pebbles. ‘All mine,’ he repeated in his head. It required very little effort on Danielle’s part before he was rock hard. “Open your mouth for me. You’re going to swallow me.”

She lifted herself to improve the angle for him and she parted her lips wide, looking up at him. “Please, Sir. Use me as you see fit. Your pleasure is my top priority.” Carefully, she wrapped her lips over her teeth and stroked the base of his head and shaft with the softness of her tongue as he moved past her lips, and down her tongue until he reached the back of her throat. She swallowed him, opening her throat for him and he entered her deeper. He was careful at first to allow her time to adjust to him, but in his mind’s eye, she had no gag reflex and swallowing him like this came naturally to her. He pushed in deeper and then built up to a steady, rhythmic pace of thrusting in and out as he fucked her throat. His climax erupted from him and he jammed himself into her as far as he could, holding her head firm against him. He deposited his load of thick, white, ropes of cum straight into her belly. He closed his eyes and moaned contentedly as his beautiful little one dutifully accepted his cum and licked her lips when he finally pulled out of her. She lapped him up clean as he softened and thanked him for the opportunity to serve him.

Adam Grant opened his eyes to find he had dozed off on his sofa and now sported a massive erection that would need to be taken care of. He had been fantasizing about Danielle frequently and his dream today clearly spoke to his inner desires. He checked his phone for missed messages and found there was one on the D.O.C. app from someone at police headquarters. They had Danielle in their custody for questioning in connection to a bomb threat. A bomb threat? Danielle was a bit of an opportunist when it came to bending rules to her favor, but a terrorist? No way. The thought was quickly dismissed from his head.

[Officer A. Grant 8:23 PM] Is she being charged with anything?

[Officer L. St. John 8:30 PM] Negative, she was here for questioning following a bomb scare at a local protest. All of the protesters were rounded up and brought in. You need to pick her up, per department policy.

[Officer A. Grant 8:32 PM] I’m on my way. Thank you for letting me know.

The protest! She went to the protest? His blood turned white-hot as he considered her blatant defiance. She was not making the progress he had thought she was making, clearly! It was fully within standard protocol to leave charges in holding until the next business day but Grant wanted to get her right away. He wanted to punish her now and avoid the opportunity for her brain to spin the day’s events into actions she could justify and claim victimhood over. He stalked to a cabinet where he stored various implements of punishment and he withdrew a large, polished wooden paddle from a rack and tucked it into his zippered laptop case. He should take a smaller one, seeing as she is not accustomed to being spanked and paddled, but this was such blatant defiance that he needed to get his point across. As he strode toward the door, car keys in hand, he stopped in his tracks and considered his situation.

…She would have to wait until he took care of his erection first.

Danielle, Ivy, Jennifer and a few other belted offenders sat together in a conference room waiting for their monitors to come pick them up. They had been interviewed by the detectives and told they would be contacted if further questioning was warranted. Their phones and personal belongings were confiscated and one by one, they were forced to unlock their personal devices to allow the detectives to review their messages and browsing activities.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” Danielle said out loud, though it appeared she was saying it to convince herself.

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “We know! You haven’t shut up about it since we were all dumped in this room.” The alcohol had long worn off and Jennifer’s mood had gone from elated and carefree to crabby. As she had explained to Danielle, she was not receptive to mending their friendship and had insisted that if Danielle had gotten the impression that they could be friends again, it could only have been the alcohol talking. The two had bickered in the conference room, and Jennifer dug up and accused Danielle of sins that dated back to the second grade.

Mr. Young, whose workshop was on another floor of building that housed the police headquarters, entered the room and surveyed the sad lot of people who needed to wait to be collected by their monitors.

“Well, well, well, Marcan,” he said, gaze settling on the tall brunette who sat at a conference table looking nervous at first, and then annoyed to see him. “I got a text message from Officer Grant. Turns out one of his charges showed up at a big protest and got detained in connection to a bomb scare.” Mr. Young scanned the room with a confused look on his face. “I wonder who he might have been referring to!” He made eye contact with each person in the room and then returned to look at Danielle. “Why Marcan, I believe he must have been referring to you! Who would have ever guessed that the very woman who roped her best friend into committing insurance fraud and propositioned her design technician for sexual favors would be some how entangled with protest shenanigans involving fake bombs!”

“They were fake?” Danielle asked. She wasn’t the only one in the room to sound surprised.

“You propositioned your design technician for sex, Danielle? Holy crap, you’re stupid!” Jennifer declared.

“Well, you don’t have five years to do!” Danielle snapped back. She turned back to Mr. Young and narrowed her eyes. “Why are you even here? It’s late! Don’t you ever go home?”

Mr. Young took a seat next to Jennifer and Ivy, and introduced himself. “Joseph Young. I’m the design technician assigned to Ms. Marcan’s case.” He shook their hands and continued. “I’m pretty sure we’re in for a good show here in a few minutes. I don’t know what he’ll do to her, but I was picking up on some rather impressive notes of rage and fury through text.”

A smile spread across Jennifer’s face. “What can he do to her if we’re all here? Doesn’t he have to protect her privacy?”

“He can do anything he wants. We’re in a room full of friendlies, so he doesn’t have to protect us from the knowledge that she’s belted and under the guardianship of a strict, sadistic monitor.”

Jennifer and Ivy both parted their lips in surprise. They, and the few other people in the room who were privy to their conversation all looked over to Danielle as she sat there trying to avoid their attention.

“He’s not going to do anything to me! I didn’t do anything wrong. And even if I had done something to warrant punishment -which I did not- he’d do it in private.” Danielle insisted.

It was at that moment they heard the card reader beep outside the conference room. The door opened to reveal a very terse looking Officer Grant. He stepped through the threshold and his eyes settled on Danielle who was feeling emboldened from the version of events she was convincing herself of. She gulped down any fear she may secretly harbor and stood up to face her monitor. “Officer Grant,” she said with a huge smile. “Thank you so much for picking me up. I apologize for the inconvenience this must have caused you. This was a total misunderstanding. I wasn’t even at the protest.” She ran her hands down her skirt, smoothing out the fabric and she moved to take a step toward him when she stopped herself. As she looked more closely at her monitor, she realized that she was in deeper than she had surmised. Officer Grant was dark with rage and he crooked his finger at her, summoning her to approach.

Play it cool, Danielle. You didn’t do anything wrong. She closed the gap between herself and Officer Grant and he quickly produced the paddle he had tucked into his bag. Oh fuck! She thought. The paddle had to be at least a foot in length, four inches wide, and a half-inch thick. Danielle’s face instantly registered her fear. Sensing she might try to flee, a large hand grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. Grant pulled her close and hauled her over the table into a good position for a paddling. Her backside faced the wall and she could see her audience straight on. Danielle struggled at first but the warning swat to her backside rekindled her good senses. “Officer Grant, I can explain!” she managed to say before the next swat fell.

“Can you? That sounds incredible! Since you for sure have a convincing explanation for being at the protest that I specifically forbade you from attending, I’m only going to give you the first half of your punishment – 20 smacks with the paddle. If your explanation is anything other than truly convincing, then you’ll complete your punishment. And I’m going to tell you right now, Danielle, that by appearances, you were at the site of the protest, in the company of protestors, and literally on the news!” He propped his phone up on the conference table for her to watch the interview with Ivy and Jennifer. In the background was Danielle, trying to avoid the camera.
“I have an explanation!”
“Put your hands on the table and start counting. If you make any move to protect your ass or avoid the paddle, I will re-do that spank until I’m satisfied that each smack that lands on your ass is of sufficient quality to count.”

“One!” Danielle said when the first official swat landed. He didn’t hit her too hard, but if he was handling this like the last time, this would just be the warmup. “But sir, I wasn’t actually at the protest. I was at a nearby pub meeting up with my two friends who happened to be at the protest. They were at the protest, not me.”

“We’re not friends!” Jennifer said.

Danielle yelped when the next swat fell, low on her ass. Having some experience now, she knew that was the region where she’d feel it most when she sat down. “Two!” she called out. “Three! Four! Five!” It was starting to really hurt now. The paddle was already much worse than his hand when he spanked her over his knees. Then she felt her skirt being pulled up and her backside exposed. The end of the skirt was tucked into the waistband to keep it from falling back down. She was wearing tights to protect her legs from the cold autumn air. Grant set the paddle down and using both of his hands, he pulled her tights down to her knees, exposing her naked ass.

She wanted to crawl into herself and hide forever from the humiliation of it all. Did Jennifer and Ivy get spanked and paddled like this? By the looks of their faces, they didn’t. They looked shocked to be watching her get disciplined like this. She hated so much that Mr. Young had decided to come watch her disgrace, but he was just the kind of person to enjoy this sort of thing. He sat across the table, leaning back in the conference chair like he was engaged in a nice show on TV.

“Sir! Sir! Sir! Please listen to me! I have an explanation! Ow! Six! Ahh! Seven! Ow! Eight!” She had started to dance in place over the pain of the smacks.

“I’m going to listen to you very carefully after I’m done with your first 20. You’ll have the entire car ride back to your apartment to convince me. For now, shut your mouth unless you’re counting.”

“That’s right, Marcan! It’s time to shut your mouth and pay your penance.” Mr. Young was obviously goading her, and he got a glance from Grant who nodded his head in greeting as if he did not previously notice who was in the room when he first walked in. Danielle picked her hand up off the surface of the table to flash her middle finger at Mr. Young. Fucker.

Officer Grant must have caught the gesture because suddenly the swats got harder and Danielle was having more difficulty keeping her tears at bay. She counted from nine to fifteen, and her voice cracked and betrayed her need to release her pent-up emotion through a good cry.

“Feet flat on the floor,” Grant admonished her when she gave in to the pain and side stepped the paddle. He caught her on one cheek and declared that #16 would need to be redone. The next smack hit her square in the middle where he meant for it to hit, and that was the one that brought her over the edge. “Sixteen! I’m sorry, Officer Grant! I’m sorry! Please, please stop!”

“We’ll do sixteen yet again since you did not follow instructions. I told you to count and otherwise remain silent.” He smacked her again, not giving her the slightest break on intensity as the unforgiving wooden paddle crashed into her backside.

“Sixteen!” she said between sobs that were increasing in intensity.

Mr. Young watched with glee and Jennifer appeared to be taking his cue and was enjoying the view as well. Only Ivy had the decency to withhold her reaction. “Did you put them together?” Jennifer asked him. “Was that you?”

Mr. Young grinned. “I may have had something to do with it. I can only recommend pairings. I don’t actually set them.”

Jennifer nodded her head, appearing impressed.

“Seventeen! Eighteen!” Danielle called out, but by the nineteenth, she was unable to stop sobbing to utter her count. He paused to give her a few seconds to catch her breath, but eventually let the paddle fly once again when she still had not called out the number. She screamed and tried to count it as twenty.

“No, Danielle, that was nineteen.”

“Nineteen,” she said, tears flowing freely down her cheeks now. The last smack fell and she forced herself to get the word “twenty” out before he decided to strike her again.

“That was worth staying a little late for,” Mr. Young said, seeming pleased with himself.

“Come, Danielle. I’m going to take you home and we’ll have a talk on the ride home about your ‘amazing and convincing reason for being at the pub today.’ There will be more of this waiting for you when we get there if I am not impressed with your explanation.” He twirled the paddle before her eyes as she stood up and pulled her tights back up to her waist and pushed her skirt back down.

“Good bye, Marcan!” Mr. Young said, waving and smiling as Grant led her out of the conference room.


Just outside conference room, there was an office filled with people who all turned their heads to see who was emerging from the room where they heard loud smacks and the wails of a woman in distress. Grant shielded Danielle from their view, as was his obligation, and she kept her hands over her face. Grant walked out of the room with the paddle in his hand in full view so everyone could see exactly what had happened to her. He brought her to the officer who had her purse and phone and set the paddle on the desk while he signed for her belongings. The officer glanced at the paddle and up at Danielle. She plucked a tissue from a box at the front of his desk and sniffled as she wiped her eyes and nose.

Grabbing her by the upper arm, he escorted her to his vehicle where he tossed the paddle and his laptop into the trunk portion of the black SUV. He took the floor mat from the passenger side, placed it upside down on the bucket seat and told Danielle to hike up her skirt. She did so without fuss but as she looked at the mat realization hit her. The floormat was covered with semi-rigid rubber spikes that were meant to help the mat grip to the carpeting. He ran his hand over them so she could see that they were not sharp, but they would poke at her on the ride home.

“Oh my goodness, are you serious?”

“Very. Get in the car.”

Danielle groaned as she hoisted herself into the SUV. She lowered herself carefully down onto the soft spikes. It was uncomfortable, much as kneeling on rice is uncomfortable. After a few minutes, discomfort blossomed into pain.

Grant was not impressed with her justification of why she went to the pub. He had her read out the text message history the three girls shared, and he decided that he did not agree with the narrative she created about not attending the protest. He ultimately decided to continue the punishment when they got back to her apartment, but he knocked it down to only 15 hand spankings because he sympathized with how the promise of a repaired friendship with Jennifer would tempt her to make a bad decision. He also understood that in her mind, she had justified her actions so it wasn’t blatant disrespect. He made a mental note to expose her to other people who shared her circumstances so she might make more suitable friends.

When they got back to her apartment, he turned her over his knee and issued her the remaining 15 spankings, which she counted out while kicking her legs to distract her brain from the pain. She had voluntarily pulled her skirt up for him once again and laid herself down across his lap, which he saw as an act of submission. This pleased him.

“Bring me your plug and the bottle of lubrication from the front pocket of my bag.”

She did so, and returned to him with the lube and charcoal-colored invader. She had nothing more than remorse painted on her face. The defiance was gone and the grip she held on the narrative that she was innocent in this little episode had finally been released.

“I want you on your hands and knees, backside facing me. Lower your head to the ground and keep your ass in the air.”

“Yes, sir.”

When she put herself into position, he instructed her to reach back and pull her ass cheeks apart. The position was mortifying enough with her hands on the ground, but she followed his directions without fuss. She winced when her fingers gripped her tender flesh and she separated her cheeks for him. He pulled the cord from between her cheeks and lubed up her back hole. With a seesawing motion, the plug was carefully inserted and she relaxed her muscles to allow him to seat it all the way in.

“Alright, we’re all set. You’ll keep the plug in for 10 days.”

“Yes, sir,” came her soft, subdued response. When she was asked to kneel, Danielle pulled herself into the requested position, folding her hands in her lap.

“Why were you punished today, Danielle?”

“I went to the protest and you specifically told me not to, sir.”

He nodded his head in acceptance of her response and he finally relaxed his body; she understood.

Aftercare for Danielle should have consisted of him pulling her into his arms and reassuring her that he thought she was special and wonderful and worth every second of his time and attention. He should have picked her up and carried her into the bedroom for the kind of tender lovemaking that his experience taught him women were so fond of. Instead, he went to her kitchen and whipped up a quick meal for her as a peace offering. He invited her to sit at the dining table and assured her that though a mistake had been made today, she was now forgiven for having handled her punishment so well. He was proud of the progress she’s made, and knows she’s on the right track.

“Why didn’t you make yourself a sandwich too?” Danielle asked after her first bite.

“It’s not my food, Danielle.”

She smiled. “I could have spared the bacon and carrot sticks for you.”

“Next time,” was his response before he bid her a good night and left.

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 5

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 06:35
by Klodak71
Thank you, Blue. Another great sequel! I'll look forward to the next chapter and I promise I won't be impatient. :D

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 5

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 16:01
by Blue
Klodak71 wrote: 03 Dec 2023, 06:35 Thank you, Blue. Another great sequel! I'll look forward to the next chapter and I promise I won't be impatient. :D
You're quite welcome. I'm really glad you're enjoying it enough to feel impatient!