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Danielle's Story - Part 6

Posted: 12 Dec 2023, 02:22
by Blue
“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Danielle gushed as she and Ivy walked briskly to the adult toy store Ivy had suggested they visit. They giggled like young girls as they discussed what they would do with the items they purchased from the store. “How much trouble do you think we’d get in if we were caught?”

Ivy laughed. “Me? Not too much. You? Oh, my goodness, you’d be totally screwed. Your monitor would have you ass up, face down over a table in a matter of seconds. You can NOT let him find out about this!”

“I would never!”

Peals of laughter erupted from both of them as they hurried into the store and scanned the shelves for the vibrators and anal toys.

“Do you really think this is going to work?” Danielle asked Ivy as they browsed through the products.

“Veronica swears by it!”

Veronica was another woman about their age who had taken to enjoying drinks with Ivy and Danielle and a few other belted friends, male and female, for a few weekends a month at Ivy’s house. Ivy’s house was ideally located in midtown and easily accessible for everyone in their friend group. The friends Danielle had made there turned out to be all the support group she really needed and Officer Grant permitted her to skip the formal support group meetings where she would invariably run in Jennifer, who he endeavored to keep her away from.

“So what exactly do you do with it to make the magic happen?” Danielle asked, using the exact wording their friend had used.

Ivy picked up a thin vibrator with a curve at the end. “She said to pull the rear cord of your belt off to the side and pop this into your uh… back hole.” Ivy blushed as she described what Veronica told her. “And you have to kind of angle the curved end toward your front and push down. And with enough practice and patience, voila!”

“Should we pick one up for Lauren?” Danielle asked, selecting a purple vibrator for herself and a hot pink one for Lauren.

Ivy took the box out of Danielle’s hands and replaced it on the self. “Not necessary. Lauren has been given conjugal time with her husband.”

“Woah, woah, woah, woah!” Danielle said, cutting her off. “You mean her monitor is allowing her to have actual sex with her husband? Like vaginal sex?”

Ivy bobbed her head in confirmation. “Oh, yeah, that can happen. They’re not trying to destroy anyone’s relationship. If you’re good and you follow the rules, it’s possible with a serious, committed partner. -But they’re not going to unlock you for some guy you met three days ago no matter how good you’ve been, so don’t get any ideas in your head.” Ivy waved the box in front of Danielle. “You and I need one of these.”

“Oh, my goodness, I need this so bad!” Danielle was desperate for relief, and had been going mad without release. All of her friends had at least some kind of opportunity for orgasm, even if it was once every month or two, but she had been denied completely for the five and a half months she was locked in the belt. She was tired of being good. Being good never seemed to result in reward anyway. She was ready to reclaim at least some of her independence. “Ivy!” Danielle suddenly said in a panicky tone. “I could swear my belt just buzzed! Like it just vibrated. What the hell is that?”

“How could it buzz?”

The color drained from Danielle’s face as realization dawned on her. “Shit! It’s gotta be the GPS! I forgot all about that! He never uses it!”

Ivy looked surprised. “Your belt has GPS tracking? Shit, Danielle! What the hell did you do?

“Insurance fraud,” Danielle said defensively. “It was a lot of money,” she added.

They glanced at the line queued up at the register. Danielle needed to get out of the shop immediately. She couldn’t wait in the line. “Give me one of your pay cards. I’ll get you what you need. You go across the walkway to the ice cream shop, and I’ll meet you back over there.”

“I can’t give you a pay card! That creates a record.” She instead jammed some cash into Ivy’s waiting hand and Danielle hurried out the store, heels clicking rapidly as she scurried across the pedestrian shopping plaza to a quaint ice cream shop from which the scent of sugar and mixed ice cream flavors wafted.


Adam Grant’s phone buzzed with a new notification.

[Alert: D. Marcan has entered restricted zone: Xiomara’s Toy Box]

He frowned when he read the alert. Under normal circumstances, he would send a message to the offender when they entered a restricted zone to remind them that he was watching them. Danielle was a special case in his mind. She had also been a model charge for four months since the protest incident, so walking into an adult shop was definitely out of character for her. On the other hand, he hadn’t broached the subject of earned orgasms with her since she brought it up during their first walk in the park. Perhaps her threshold had been reached. If that was the case, the fault lay partially on him for not better addressing her needs and leaving her with the impression that she had no choice other than to take action behind his back. Whatever the case was, her location was close enough to him at that moment that he decided to pay her a visit.

Grant found Danielle sitting at a patio-side table with a cup of rocky road. It was a bit chilly outside for ice cream, and selecting a patio seat seemed odd given the crisp spring weather. He settled his large form, uninvited, into a little wrought-iron chair across from his charge, surprising her with his sudden appearance. “Explain yourself,” he said, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest.
She glanced around, somewhat confused, before meeting her monitor’s piercing gaze. “Can I assume that you are referring to my little visit to the shop across the walkway?”

He repeated the last few words of her question, adding the word “sir” at the end as a reminder. She tried again, and he replied, feigning ignorance, “What shop? That shop? The shop with the toys right over there? The shop that is filled only with items that can get you into trouble?”

Danielle nodded her head sheepishly, muttering a quiet “Yes, sir.”

“I took the liberty of zoning off adult shops in the GPS app so I’d be notified if any of my charges get themselves into mischief. So why would you, a person in your unique, rather controlled circumstances, need to be in a store like that unless you were shopping for products to defeat the device you’re wearing?”

“Okay, sir, it’s like this. I did go into the shop. I was not in there to ask for directions or check the time. I was thinking of doing something wrong, but then I felt a buzzing sensation. I remembered myself and I left and came here for some ice cream while I contemplated the outcome of using any products that I might have purchased in that shop.”

Grant snorted, and leaned forward in his seat to observe her carefully. Clever wording, he noted to himself. She wasn’t lying, but she also wasn’t being truthful. “Couldn’t it be said that the ‘outcome’ you speak of is an orgasm, stolen from me, the only person on this earth who has the privilege to grant them to you?”

“Well, sir. That would be a logical outcome now that you mention it.”

“Set your bag on the table.” She did so without hesitation and Grant unzipped the backpack style purse and shined his cellphone light into it while he rummaged through the contents. Lip gloss, hairbrush, wallet, phone, keys, a few pens, and some hair ties; nothing suspicious. He grunted and handed her the bag. “I want to make this very clear, Danielle. You are aware that making attempts to defeat your device could lead to your suspension or elimination from this program. If you’re suspended, where do you go?”

“Prison,” she said softly.

He nodded his head in confirmation. He certainly had no intention of sending Danielle off jail, let alone prison. She didn’t belong there at all, but it was better that she had the fear in her head to keep her in line. “So do we agree that it is in your best interest for me to put my foot down and issue you a gentle correction to get you back on track so we can put this whole episode behind us?”

Danielle nodded her head, looking relieved. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. Finish your ice cream and I’ll take you home.”

There was no sense arguing with him. When Officer Grant made a decision, the decision was well made and not negotiable, as Danielle had learned over the months of being in his care.

Grant caught Danielle’s side glance over his shoulder. It was quick and she tried to return her gaze back to his eyes in hopes that he wouldn’t take notice, but it was too late. He turned around to see Ivy walking in their direction, and then making a sharp turn to change directions and avoid them. “Ivy Lewis!” Grant called in a deep, commanding tone. “Join us.”

Ivy’s shoulders slumped and she turned on her heel to face him. She masked her worried expression with grace and ease, but Danielle could see that her normally greenish-gray eyes had turned bright with her heightened fear. She marched forward, suspicious black bag in hand and she smiled warmly as she tucked the purchase into her large purse, trying to distract the officer’s notice of the bag with her winning smile and greeting. “Well if it isn’t my sweet friend Danielle and her not-so-sweet Officer Grant!” Ivy was attempting to tease playfully and she gave him a little wink to let him know it.

“Have a seat, Ms. Lewis,” Grant said firmly.

“I wish I’d have known you were up for ice cream. We could have come together.” Ivy perched herself atop one of the little wrought iron chairs and turned to Grant to find he had one brown eyebrow raised well above the other. She flashed Grant one of her winning smiles but he was not at all won over by her charm.

“Hand me your bag.”

Ivy frowned. “Officer Grant, I have feminine products in my bag. It’s not very appropriate for you to snoop around in there.”

“That’s exactly what I’m concerned about. Hand it over.”

“It’s mine,” Danielle immediately said before Grant even opened the bag Ivy begrudgingly placed on the table for him.

“Of course it is,” He said dryly as he popped the magnetic closure on Ivy’s shiny leather tote to observe that she had two matching purple vibrators and two separate receipts. He pulled the receipts out and examined them. “Cash payments. Clever.”

Grant took his phone from his jacket pocket and tapped on the surface for a few minutes while the girls waited in uncomfortable silence. Ivy’s phone buzzed and she checked it. Her eyes closed and she uttered a soft, “Shit.” Flashing the phone screen toward Danielle, she explained, “My monitor gave Officer Grant custody of me for the next 24 hours.”

The two had long-since worked out that Officer Barella was far less strict than Officer Grant, and that Ivy enjoyed freedoms Danielle would never be granted. “Oh, my goodness, Ivy. You’re totally screwed.”

The car ride to Ivy’s house was awkward and mostly quiet as Grant brooded in the driver’s seat about what to do with his charges. He had placed both girls in the back seat of his SUV to underscore the trouble they were in by making them feel as if they were being hauled away in a police cruiser.

“Do you know what thigh bands are?” Grant asked at one point in the car ride.

“Yes,” Ivy responded.

“That’s yes, sir,” he stated to her.

“Sorry, sir. Yes, sir, I know what thigh bands are.”

Grant didn’t further elaborate, preferring to let the idea linger in their minds as he drove.

Danielle closed her eyes and groaned. She had already received a formal warning for them and did not give herself high chances of talking herself out of it if he decided to pull the trigger on them.

When they arrived at Ivy’s bungalow, Grant set the case he fished from the rear of his SUV onto the coffee table with a cloth to protect her furniture, and he made himself comfortable on her sofa, true to his personal style. “Kneel,” he directed both girls, pointing to the braided rug in front of him. Danielle assisted Ivy, who was unfamiliar with the formality that Grant expected, to get the posture just right. Ivy seated herself on her knees, weight on her heels, hands folded neatly in her lap with her back straight, matching Danielle’s pose.

“Are you going to paddle me, sir?” Ivy asked nervously, breaking the moment of silence they had endured as Grant sat still, watching them, considering his next move.

“Possibly,” he responded. “It works for Danielle, as you have had the privilege of firsthand observation. The paddling I gave her bought me 4 solid months of excellent behavior.” He turned to Danielle and added, “You will most definitely be getting the business end of my paddle before the night is over.”

Danielle groaned and lowered her face, shame etched across her features. As much as she desired sexual relief, she disliked disappointing him even more, and she wanted nothing more than to crawl behind one of the arm chairs where she could hide from his judgment.

Grant opened his laptop and his fingers flew across the keyboard for several minutes before Danielle and Ivys’ phones buzzed in unison. With his permission, they checked their D.O.C. apps to find that indeed, they had both been recommended for thigh-bands and appointments with their respective design technicians had been set for later that week.

“Ivy, I took the liberty of checking with Officer Barello. She has already agreed to honor my sentence of one month in the bands.” He looked to Danielle and added, “You will be wearing them for at least one month.”

Grant pulled out a reusable shopping bag from his case on the coffee table and he handed it to Ivy. “Fill it with any and all adult toys in your possession. I want you to include anything that you use as a toy even if it’s not intended as such. I will be inspecting your bedroom when you are finished. Do not let me find anything that you use to pleasure yourself in your bedroom, your bathroom, your closet or anywhere else in this house. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir,” came Ivy’s response before she accepted the bag and disappeared down the hallway to carry out his orders.

Grant turned his attention to Danielle. “I am immensely disappointed in you.” Tears welled up in Danielle’s eyes as she listened to Grant detail her infractions that included concealing information from him, lying to him outright, defying his orders, and attempting to circumvent her correctional device.

“I’m sorry sir,” she said. “It was a moment of weakness. I haven’t tried anything like this since the bead incident.”

Ivy returned with the bag which had been filled with several vibrators, anal plugs, dildos, and butterfly devices along with their remotes. Grant clicked on his pen light -the one that he used to check Danielle’s fingers when he’d remove her shield- and brought Ivy to the bedroom for the inspection he had promised her. The light swept across surfaces and in cabinets and drawers before Danielle, still kneeling in the living room, heard Grant say, “Bingo.” Ivy tried to offer her apologies for the cache of toys that she failed to surrender, but her fate was sealed at that point; the paddle would fall on her backside as well.

“Both of you, over the back of the sofa. Danielle, raise your skirt and pull your tights down. Ivy, drop your pants and undergarments. I want bare backsides facing up.” He pointed to the back of the sofa where he wanted them to stand.

Danielle gently grabbed Ivy’s hand and ushered her to the back of the sofa. “Do not fight it, Ivy. You can do this! It’s going to be over in a few minutes. I’ll be right there with you.”

Ivy shook her head, trying to will away the dreaded punishment she had witnessed at the police station. “Please!” she begged Officer Grant. “Please don’t paddle me!”

“Get yourself over the back of the sofa right now,” Grant said firmly, offering her no comfort or sign of weakness that she might have tried to exploit.

“Come on, Ivy. It’s better if we just get this over with,” Danielle said as she shimmied her tights down mid-thigh.

Tears welled in Ivy’s eyes and she reluctantly unbuttoned and lowered her jeans. She allowed Danielle to guide her torso over the back of the sofa, and she grabbed her hand for support once Danielle joined her one seat over.

Twenty smacks were delivered to each girls’ backside with sob-filled tallies from both of them. Ivy apparently had a low threshold for pain and she was crying openly by the fifth smack. Her fingers dug into Danielle’s hand, and Danielle offered words of encouragement and reminders to stay still, count, and endure the punishment through to the end.

For Danielle, ten smacks with the heavy paddle made her regret her choices, and twenty was enough to make her swear not to misbehave again. Her backside was on fire, stinging hot in his favorite location, low enough to be felt each time she sat down over the coming days, and to keep the swats clear of the rear cables that crossed the upper part of her backside along with the central cable which secured the crotch plate to the back of the belt.

When he was finished, he left the girls in place for a few minutes while he entered notes on their D.O.C. files. Finally, he announced that they were permitted to pull their pants and tights back up. Ivy’s tear-stained face illustrated very clearly how miserable she was. Her blonde hair was a mess and she tried to finger-comb it back into place to regain some of her composure.

Grant’s tone softened and he addressed her. “You did well, Ivy. You took your punishment with dignity and the worst of it is over now. You are going to be sore for several days, but you endured the spanking and you’ll endure the tenderness until it lets up.” He gave her upper arm a little squeeze and reiterated. “You did good. I’m proud of you.”

Ivy nodded her head and sniffed back some tears. “Thank you, sir.”

Grant went into her bedroom to remove her laptop, tablet, and the power cord to her television, depositing these items onto the coffee table. She surrendered her phone when he asked for it, and it too was added to the pile of items on the table. “I’m sending you directly to bed after we leave. There will be no television, computer time or phone usage this evening. You are to be in bed within 15 minutes of our departure,” he said. “Do not touch your personal electronics until the morning when you wake up.” He looked at her very sternly and added. “You have 23 more hours with me, Ivy. I am very serious when say that you had better not touch that phone until the morning, after you wake up. We’ll give it until 8:00 AM. You do not want to test me on this. Trust me.”

Ivy nodded her head and hugged her friend good bye. “Good luck, Danielle,” she whispered in her ear.

When he got Danielle back to her apartment, she broke down crying once again. “I’m so sorry, sir. That was incredibly stupid of me.”

Grant ushered her to the sofa where she intuitively moved to kneel, but he stopped her and directed her to sit beside him. A strong arm draped over her shoulder and pulled her in close. “You made a serious error in judgment tonight, Danielle, and in addition to the tender ass I know you’ll be dealing with for the next few days, you will pay for your error with the awkward discomfort of wearing the thigh bands for the next month – at least. They will be cumbersome and it will be difficult to conceal the altered gait that I know you’re self-conscious about. Danielle nodded her head against Grant’s shoulder and his hand lifted to stroke her hair and wipe a few tear-soaked strands from her face. “You are lucky that you did not outright lie to me, and even luckier that you did not make it home with your new toy to cause a serious issue for me to have to deal with.”

As she leaned against his chest, he thought to himself that for five-and-a-half months, he has yearned to touch this woman more intimately. He has wanted to tear her belt from her body and make love to her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear to balance out the domination that he already expressed over her. He has wanted to kiss her and tell her how incredible she is; how kind, gentle, intelligent, funny, and charming he found her to be. He wanted to kiss the top of her head, but he instead inhaled the scent of her shampoo and committed the smell to memory.

It felt so natural to be in his arms like this. She had long been aware of a softer side to her dominant monitor that he has wanted to show her, but has refrained from doing so out of professional obligation. This was the first step toward authentic affection that he has showed her and surprised as she was to receive it after she violated his rules, she reveled in it.

“I should have broached the subject of earned orgasms with you already, and I apologize for that. It doesn’t excuse your behavior tonight, but on some level, I understand the root cause of your disobedience. It’s why my punishment for this infraction is so light.”

“Twenty spanks with the paddle and thigh bands for a month is light?” Danielle asked incredulously.

“Thigh bands for a minimum of one month,” he reminded her. “I am a very creative monitor, Danielle. I could do much worse.” He grinned at her. “You are due for some earned orgasms. 4 months of good behavior is nothing to sneeze at. As I see it, I owe you 4 orgasms and I’m only going to take one away for today’s indiscretion.” He reached to his bag and withdrew the new purple vibrator that Ivy purchased for her by proxy at Xiomara’s Toy Box. “You may use one tonight, and the others after your thigh bands are removed, one at a time, at my discretion.” He pressed the box into her hands and Danielle sat upright, squealed with delight, and threw her arms around him.

“Oh, my goodness, sir! Are you serious? I’m going to cum tonight? Like right now?”

Grant nodded his head, smiling over the pure joy she was experiencing in that moment; joy she was totally dependent on him to provide her with. Danielle bolted to the kitchen where she found a knife to open the package and some batteries to bring her vibrator to life. “Now?” she confirmed with him.

“Now,” he said. “Because you took your punishment with poise, you were a good role model to Ivy while doing it, and because I owe you an orgasm.”

It was only a moment or two after Danielle dashed into her bedroom and closed the door behind her that she remerged with no skirt or tights. Grant chuckled at her when she ran to him hollering, “The shield! The shield! I need you to take off the shield!” She paused to consider. “You won’t take off the entire belt will you?”

Grant shook his head. “Not a chance.” He used his magnetic key to unlock and remove the clear, dome-shaped shield. “Your vibrator is pretty thin. It should fit right through the gap at the bottom of the crotch plate.” With the silliest grin on her face, she nodded her head and dashed off to the bedroom, bare, pinkened backside wiggling as she ran.

The sounds of soft vibrations emanated from behind her bedroom door and Grant smiled. She would get satisfaction tonight and give her arousal a nice charge. Keeping the pilot light lit on her arousal was important for ensuring that the belt was properly punishing her; and that was his primary job. He considered the possibility that her lack of attempts to orgasm over the past four months were because she had mentally shut closed herself off to her desires and something new triggered her today. He would get her back into a low-level needy state at all times to ensure that her physical desires were on her mind daily.

Danielle sucked her beath in eagerly as she lay back on her bed and spread her legs wide. Her pussy was already soaking wet and she had felt her fluids pooling up within her the moment Officer Grant handed her the box with her new vibrator. She was still in disbelief that he was allowing this, especially given her disobedience, and she locked her bedroom door to keep him reneging on the permission he granted her and taking her toy away from her before she finished.

The vibrator slipped easily past the opening at the bottom of her crotch plate, into the hot, needy folds of her womanhood. It felt simply amazing to feel something inside of her, like taking a drink of cool water when you’re dehydrated and overheated. Her finger reached in as well to rub her little clit. There wasn’t much room to maneuver, but she managed to touch her swollen button just right. Moans escaped her lips with each sensation she reintroduced to her sex. This is pure bliss, she thought as she rubbed little circles around her nub. The presence of the vibrator, tickling her flesh, was more than enough to queue up what Danielle realized would be a very powerful orgasm. Probably the best one she’d ever had. Her body tightened, and her pussy clenched down on the vibrator as her finger mashed into her clit, massaging it just right. Her breathing grew ragged and she put 100% of her focus and energy on bringing her orgasm to fruition. When it happened, it happened suddenly. Rather than the lumbering climb she was accustomed to, the mounting orgasm raced to the top of the hill and pushed over the edge faster than she’d ever known herself to be capable of. Part of the fun of an amazing orgasm is the gradual climb to the top, but her body was too greedy for delicacy. It wanted release immediately, and so less than a minute of her manual ministrations resulted in an incredibly intense orgasm that tore through in seconds. She hollered loudly as her toes curled and her back arched to brace against the waves of pleasure that racked through her. She lifted her head off the bed and her chin touched her chest as she rode the orgasm to its completion.

She wanted another and toyed with the idea of stealing one. This last one was so fast, surely he wouldn’t even notice! He did say that she had a few orgasms to spend, right? What’s to say that she didn’t just have a double orgasm? Those count as one, don’t they?

A soft knock sounded on the door and the door handle was jiggled; it was locked. “Open the door right now, Danielle.”

Fuck! She couldn’t afford to hesitate and so she jumped right off the bed and opened the bedroom door.

“You do not lock doors while I am here, and especially while your shield is off.”

Danielle looked surprised to hear that. Of course, that was a bad idea. “You’re right, sir. I won’t do that again. I’m sorry.”

He called for the lights to turn on to 50%; enough to see what he was doing without jarring a post-orgasmic Danielle out of her relaxed state. She knew the drill and she separated her feet shoulder width apart so he could maneuver the shield into it’s housing clips and lock it down with the key. The sound of the shield clicking into place and the lock engaging was devastating to her. She wanted another orgasm so badly and she would not be getting it.

When she was fully resecured, he relaxed a little knowing that she was back under his control. He liked her there. He liked having authority over her and he liked her being beholden to him for her pleasure. “I should have given you those already. It was an oversight on my part to not notice how your need had been growing. I didn’t realize your cues. In the future, you will come to me directly before you violate your rules. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And Danielle? Do not mistake my gesture of good will as weakness. If you break my rules, there are consequences to pay. The first thing that goes are your orgasms.”

“Yes, sir…. And sir?” She paused as he acknowledged her. “Thank you so very much!” For the second time that night, and the second time ever, Danielle wrapped her arms around Grant’s neck for a hug. She placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and practically melted into him when he hugged her back. She used every bit of effort to resist the urge to pull him into a deep kiss.

The hug was broken and Grant wished Danielle a good night. He had taken her new toy with him and asked her to surrender any others she had. A few toys went into a bag for him, none of which would have been suitable to use with her belt, but he took them all the same, promising to return them in four and a half years. Like Ivy, she was told to put her phone on the coffee table along with her laptop and the power cords to the television set in her bedroom. She was to go straight to bed with no entertainment. He advised her that he would know if she touched her phone and he would find out if she disobeyed his orders.

On the way home from the long, unplanned work evening, Grant considered his connection to Danielle. He was crazy about her. He had refused for months to acknowledge the extent of it, but the events of the evening laid it all bare for him to see. Adam, he thought to himself. Don’t fuck this up! They’ll take her from you if you get too close.

Re: Danielle's Story - Part 6

Posted: 12 Dec 2023, 17:24
by Klodak71
Thank you. A great continuation of Danielle's story. After today's piece, which was very creative, I will be looking forward to the next installment of the story of the chastened Danielle.