Off Topic - Transsexual discussion

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Off Topic - Transsexual discussion

Post by Lizza1 »

Note by Forum Admin, this thread was split out from Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains) The discussion is interesting but Belted Girls is not the right place for it. This is a chastity forum specializing in female chastity. Transgendered females fit into the forum but discussions about transgenderism does not.


You left out a few things why a BIO male might wear a female belt.
A transsexual male to female (transsexualism is a MEDICAL condition in the uk) and is diagnosed as such.A transsexual m to f might also wear a fem belt to prevent male bulges when in female gender role and on hormones, hoping to transition fully to being a "female like person". A phenotype.I have read about this.The "tucking" stuff you mention is nothing less than in essence "walking or sitting around with his penis stuck up his ****.Hardly desirable.Wearing a fem belt would be much more preferable than how ever they do it normally such as using tape or something to keep the THING in the right place! AS I understand it a fem belt replaces the "need" to "tuck".
Transsexuals normally hate their male parts and being a BIO male.(male 2 female).A fem belt does in fact "feminise" to any degree a male bodied person".Wearing a female belt closely associates a male with the female body in my opinion, and it is only my opinion.
Certainly psychologically at the very least.I could say a lot more............but I think this is NOT the right place.
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Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Post by Lizza1 »

Being transgender is an "affliction" since when? Its all about gender identity, NOT sexuality.

Transsexual and transgender are two different states.A transsexual is almost certainly female like brained,in the case of male to female, it can actually be seen in TS brain that there is PHYSICAL female material where there would normally be male stuff.Transgenders don't usually do anything, they just dream.A TS often DOES something, hormones, possibly surgery.

Look at it like this.
A TS male to female is:
either a woman with a physical problem OR
a man with a mental problem.

Chastity probably enhances a TS more towards living as a woman, by rejecting their male parts, in the case of male to female.It hides their male parts, which can only be helpful in their quest to live as a woman.One last thing (unrelated).A male to female can never say he "feels female"HE has never been a woman or brought up like one,but, he can say "he doesn't "feel" like a man.Again being belted in a female belt reinforces his desire to be female.Its a real practical step towards being more feminine.

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Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Post by dashingdarla »

Butterfly: Of course your input would be welcome. And thank you for the acknowledgement.


"affliction" is defined as a condition of pain, suffering, or distress.

I have yet to meet a transsexual (M2F or F2M) who wasn't experiencing some kind of pain, suffering, or distress. I cannot imagine having that kind of disconnect with my own being, for I innately know what I am and that exactly matches what I see in the mirror every morning.

So yes, I chose the word affliction because I think it's a kinder word than illness, disease, disorder, or any other word that often has a negative spin associated with it.

To your other point, I would agree and submit this:
  • In a first-of-its-kind study, Zhou et al. (1995) found that in a region of the brain called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc), a region known for sex and anxiety responses, MTF transsexuals have a female-normal size while FTM transsexuals have a male-normal size. While the transsexuals studied had taken hormones, this was accounted for by including non-transsexual male and female controls who, for a variety of medical reasons, had experienced hormone reversal. The controls still retained sizes typical for their gender. No relationship to sexual orientation was found.[20]

    In a follow-up study, Kruijver et al. (2000) looked at the number of neurons in BSTc instead of volumes. They found the same results as Zhou et al. (1995), but with even more dramatic differences. One MTF subject who had never gone on hormones was also included, and who matched up with the female neuron counts nonetheless.[21]

    In 2002, a follow-up study by Chung et al. found that significant sexual dimorphism (variation between sexes) in BSTc did not become established until adulthood. Chung et al. theorized that either changes in fetal hormone levels produce changes in BSTc synaptic density, neuronal activity, or neurochemical content which later lead to size and neuron count changes in BSTc, or that the size of BSTc is affected by the failure to generate a gender identity consistent with one's anatomic sex.[22]

    In a review of the evidence in 2006, Gooren confirms the earlier research as supporting the concept that transsexualism is a sexual differentiation disorder of the sex dimorphic brain.[23] Dick Swaab (2004) concurs.[24]

    In 2008, a new region with properties similar to that of BSTc in regards to transsexualism was found by Garcia-Falgueras and Swaab: the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), part of the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus. The same method of controlling for hormone usage was used as in Zhou et al. (1995) and Kruijver et al. (2000). The differences were even more pronounced than with BSTc; control males averaged 1.9 times the volume and 2.3 times the neurons as control females, yet once again, regardless of hormone exposure, MTF transsexuals lay within the female range and the FTM transsexual within the male range.[25]

    While the resolution of MRI tomographs in general can be fine enough, independent nuclei are not visible due to lack of contrast between different neurological tissue types. Therefore such images do not show detailed structures such as BSTc and INAH3, and studies on BSTC were done by bisecting brains postmortem.

    However, MRI does much more easily allow the study of larger brain structures. In Luders et al. (2009), 24 MTF transsexuals not-yet treated with cross-sex hormones were studied via MRI. While regional gray matter concentrations were more similar to men than women, there was a significantly larger volume of gray matter in the right putamen compared to men. As with many earlier studies, they concluded that transsexualism is associated with a distinct cerebral pattern.[26]

    An additional feature was studied in a group of FTM transsexuals who had not yet received cross-sex hormones: fractional anisotropy values for white matter in the medial and posterior parts of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), the forceps minor, and the corticospinal tract. Rametti et al. (2010) discovered that, "Compared to control females, FtM showed higher FA values in posterior part of the right SLF, the forceps minor and corticospinal tract. Compared to control males, FtM showed only lower FA values in the corticospinal tract."[27]

    Hulshoff Pol et al. (2006), studied the gross brain volume of subjects undergoing hormone treatment. They discovered that whole brain volume for subjects changes toward the size of the opposite reproductive sex during hormone treatment. The conclusion of the study was, "The findings suggest that, throughout life, gonadal hormones remain essential for maintaining aspects of sex-specific differences in the human brain."[28]

    20. Zhou, Jiang-Ning; Hofman, Michel A.; Gooren, Louis J. G.; Swaab, Dick F. (1995). "A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality". Nature 378 (6552): 68–70. doi:10.1038/378068a0. PMID 7477289.
    21. Kruijver, F. P. M.; Zhou, JN; Pool, CW; Hofman, MA; Gooren, LJ; Swaab, DF (2000). "Male-to-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers in a Limbic Nucleus". Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 85 (5): 2034–41. doi:10.1210/jc.85.5.2034. PMID 10843193.
    22. Chung, WC; De Vries, GJ; Swaab, DF (2002). "Sexual differentiation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in humans may extend into adulthood". The Journal of neuroscience 22 (3): 1027–33. PMID 11826131.
    32. Gooren, L (2006). "The biology of human psychosexual differentiation". Hormones and behavior 50 (4): 589–601. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2006.06.011. PMID 16870186.
    24. Swaab, DF (2004). "Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism and sexual orientation". Gynecological Endocrinology 19 (6): 301–12. doi:10.1080/09513590400018231. PMID 15724806.
    25. Garcia-Falgueras, A.; Swaab, D. F. (2008). "A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity". Brain 131 (Pt 12): 3132–46. doi:10.1093/brain/awn276. PMID 18980961.
    26. Luders, Eileen; Sánchez, Francisco J.; Gaser, Christian; Toga, Arthur W.; Narr, Katherine L.; Hamilton, Liberty S.; Vilain, Eric (2009). "Regional gray matter variation in male-to-female transsexualism". NeuroImage 46 (4): 904–7. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.048. PMC 2754583. PMID 19341803.
    27. Rametti, G; Carrillo, B; Gómez-Gil, E; Junque, C; Segovia, S; Gomez, A; Guillamon, A (2010). "White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A diffusion tensor imaging study". Journal of Psychiatric Research 45 (2): 199–204. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.05.006. PMID 20562024.
    28. Pol, H. E H.; Cohen-Kettenis, P. T; Van Haren, N. E M; Peper, J. S; Brans, R. G H; Cahn, W.; Schnack, H. G; Gooren, L. J G et al. (2006). "Changing your sex changes your brain: influences of testosterone and estrogen on adult human brain structure". European Journal of Endocrinology 155: S107–S114. doi:10.1530/eje.1.02248.
    29. Ramachandran, V. S. (2008). "Phantom Penises In Transsexuals". Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (1): 5–16.
So the current, most dominant theory about what causes and supports ongoing transsexualism appears to be biological.

But, whether that dominant theory is correct or not, transsexuals do suffer internally from their situation, so that's why I used the word affliction.
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Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Post by butterfly »

Lizza1 wrote:Being transgender is an "affliction" since when?
You might check out a dictionary definition of the term. It's reasonably applied, since there is a lot of struggle with being transexual. I know, since I am. I know many people who are. They struggle and suffer because of this.
Lizza1 wrote:Transgenders don't usually do anything, they just dream.
Utterly wrong. Any LGBT person who "doesn't do anything" is simply "in the closet", so no one really knows they are LGBT anyway. Those who embrace their issues do so by acting on them in some way. LGB's select different partners, and T's present themselves differently. Every person I know who identifies themselves as transgender in some way is doing something to address or express it in their lives.

The term Transgender, as used today, is an umbrella term that includes many subtypes, such as: androgyne, bi-gender, transexual, intersex, and many others. See my list of links at the end of this post. As a transexual, I can also call myself transgender, but it is less specific - sort of like a Catholic calling themselves a Christian. ;)
Lizza1 wrote:Look at it like this.
A TS male to female is:
either a woman with a physical problem OR
a man with a mental problem.
Again, utterly wrong. I'm very offended that you would insist that I either have a "physical problem" or a "mental problem".

Being a "TS male to female" myself, I have a treatable condition ("gender dysphoria" or "gender identity disorder" are the official diagnoses these days).

For those wishing to learn more about the human side of transexuality, please check out the excellent 2012 documentary, feature-length movie "Trans". It's available on the web site below, and you can also rent it cheaply on iTunes (but not NetFlix yet): For those who would like to better understand Transgenderism and the various subtypes, here are some resources:
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Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Post by Lizza1 »

You left out the work done by Professor Richard Green and all he has written about it.
In the DSM 4 ( I think) gender dysphoria (TS) was classified as gender identity "disorder".IN DSM 5
"gender identity disorder" has now been taken out of the mental illness section and been renamed "gender dysphoria".It is not a mental disorder.............or a mental illness.In the uk it is classified as medical condition, but treated in a psychiatric "setting", and is treated medically, not Psychiatric ally,Psychiatric treatments have been tried and failed.Perhaps this goes some way to understanding why some men wear female belts?Their brain wants and needs to do female things?
Their brain KNOWS it is in the wrong body.

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Re: Chinese Chastity Belt Set (bra + belt w/rear chains)

Post by Lizza1 »

Your "perception" that I offended you is just that, A perception.No offense was or is intended.
Do you have an official diagnosis that you are "gender dysphoric"?Do you attend a gender identity clinic such as charing cross in london?By the way being Gd or TS has nothing whatever to do with LGB,they are about sexuality, not gender.TRANSSEXUALS do not belong in that group and many are offended by the inclusion.yes OFFENDED.

Suggest you visit
The author of that website is a personal friend of mine and she and her husband write and wrote all the NHS guidelines in the UK


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Pyra Gorgon
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Re: Off Topic - Transsexual discussion

Post by Pyra Gorgon »

Shouldn't this discussion be about TRANSSEXUALS WEARING FEMALE CHASTITY BELTS, and not about transsexuality origins or diagonostic processes???

Srsly, who really cares? I look at it this way: regardless of how you are born, what you are right NAO is what is important. If you've had all your surgeries and other protocols fulfilled whatever those may be, then you are legally and physically female. True, you are not biological, what? Unless you plan to make babies, it doesnt matter because you do not have sex with the DNA, you have sex with the person! (if a man can have sex with your DNA...he is WAAAAAAY too small to be gratifying in natural male/female sex! juss sayin')

And...if you are wearing a chastity belt, then you ain't having sex at all!

As far as "natural order" adherents, well, question your premises on what is natural and what is not. Not much left in the world today is "natural" and undefiled by toxins, hormones, antibiotics, GMO's, pesticides like glyphosates, etc. All those things impact human development from fetus onward. If people are unnatural it is because we live in a very unnatural world right now. Nature is not perfect nor does it ever claim to know what perfection is; a human definition based upon mind and not upon practical understandings.

I'd be more interested in reading about how non-bio women handle chastity wear. Is your libido the same? Do you find your list of "hard limits" vanishing because you position of negotiating is gone due to being belted? Does it make you feel any certain sort of way? Stuff like that.

I'm sure all the medical terminology and other trans-related studies make for some fine reading, but really, how does any of that relate to being in belt? The only thing from discussions like that is lots of arguments and hard feelings. Let's have some subjective personal opinions about chastity effects on you non-bio women. ;) That will help others relate better rather than focusing attention on your birth origins. IF you make a mountain out of that mole hole people will latch onto that topic and you will only be identified by that, rather than as the dynamic woman interested in chastity you currently are. to wear...horrible to have as a name!
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