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My idea for a simple safety key feature

Posted: 25 Jul 2016, 20:22
by GentleMaster
Hi Forum!

It will scare me to leave my wife in CB without a functional "emergency exit", but at the same time, I would like to keep maximal control. Therefore I am not too happy about these "emergency key" numbered platic locks that can be opened upon impulse and without my consent.

Then I had the idea to lock the CB key into a short piece of alu tube with a hole drilled through it and a standard 3 or 4 digit padlock (like this one going through the 2 holes in the tube and the hole in the CB key. Then my wife can always ask me for the code in case of need (I am 99% reachable by mobile phone), but she can only get to the key with my acceptance of the circumstances of the emergency (having to pee is not!).

And every time the emergency key has been used, I can simply change the code of the lock, and off we go again.

If you avoid the large 4-digit padlocks and stick to 3-digits "luggage" types with thin wiring and if you flatten the tube to a more oval form, this solution can be made pretty small and discrete enough to fit into a womans handbag.

The only problem with 3 digits padlocks is that it takes 999 tries at 3 seconds each = 3.000 seconds = 50 minutes to hack the lock.
Better change the code preventively on a regular basis!

Please ignore my total lack of skills in artwork and see my drawing of the concept.

Kind regards
The Gentlemaster

Re: My idea for a simple safety key feature

Posted: 26 Jul 2016, 20:57
by Tobbe
It´s an idea that has its flaws and that you mention.
Instead, it is easier to use self-adhesive laminating, if it´s a flat key. Add key and pasting together the laminate. Attach a paper label on the outside of the laminate, there you write something. Now she can only access the key, by destroying the laminate and paper label!


Re: My idea for a simple safety key feature

Posted: 28 Jul 2016, 22:14
by GentleMaster
Hi there Toppe!

Nice solution, but it works just like those uniquely numbered single-use plastic locks - it can be opened without the keyholders prior consent.

My solution does not permit access to the key without the code AND I can keep the code with me until the need arises, evaluate whether or not it is an emergency in my terms and if yes then give the code over phone, sms or email. So no opening without my consent, but it still works long-distance.

Kind regards
The Gentlemaster

Re: My idea for a simple safety key feature

Posted: 29 Jul 2016, 15:48
by Tobbe
I was probably unclear and therefore I send a picture.

Here is a Neosteel key between the plastic layers and impossible to use it, without destroying the laminate. 100% secure and you can always ask the person who has the belt, to send a picture to make sure that the key is still sealed.
I write KEY with red ink, and it became blurred when the laminate was melted. Make it very difficult to remove the key and put it in a new laminate. You can of course also attach a paper label on the outside of the laminate, there you write your signature or draw a picture. :D